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"Merry Christmas, Ronnie!"

Veronica giggled as Charlie jumped on her bed and pulled her into a big bear hug. Despite Veronica telling him not to, Charlie had chosen to stay at Hogwarts for the holidays as he refused to go home without her. While she appreciated it more than words could say, she felt awful for being the reason he didn't get to spend the holidays with his family. And she was sure Molly was devastated not to get to see him.

"Stop it, Ron. I know what you're thinking about, but don't. I chose to stay. You didn't force me to. And besides, there was no way I was leaving you here alone over the holidays. So just open your present and give me mine!"

Veronica chuckled as she grabbed the wrapped gift off the table beside her and handed it to him. Together, they both opened their gifts, and Veronica couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. Charlie's gifts were always very thoughtful, and this year was no different. However, before she could even begin to thank him, he had gasped loudly and jumped off the bed, staring at his gift in awe.

"No way! You know how much I've been wanting this book!"

"I know. That's why I got it for you. Even though it's probably a big mistake because you'll never put it down. I'll never see your face again from how much your nose will be stuck in it."

Charlie grinned. "You've got that right! A book about dragons!?! How could I ever put it down? From now on, I will only ever talk about dragon facts." Charlie took her hand in his and kissed it. "Ronnie, you're the absolute best gift giver ever. I don't know if anyone's told you this before, but you really are amazing. You always know exactly what to get everyone."

Veronica blushed and hid her face in her new Ravenclaw-coloured blanket. Veronica had mentioned a few times how cold the Hospital Wing was at night, so this gift couldn't have been more perfect. "Well, you're a great gift giver too. This blanket is perfect. And it's so soft!"

It was Charlie's turn to blush now. "I'm glad you like it. I spent the last few weeks in the library learning the knitting charm, and I picked out the yarn myself. It was the softest I could find in blue and bronze."

Veronica's eyes widened. "What? You made this?"

Charlie nodded shyly. "Just for you."


"Merlin's beard, Charlie! How many times have you read that thing?"

"Not that many!"

Veronica rolled her eyes playfully. "How many times? Be honest." Charlie hid his face in his book and mumbled something Veronica couldn't quite catch. "What?"


Veronica's jaw dropped as she looked at him. "Twelve!?! Charlie... it's been ten days since Christmas! You've already read it twelve times!?!"

"Well, I bet you didn't know female dragons are more dangerous than males."

Veronica chuckled. "No, I didn't. Why's that?"

"Well, because you didn't read the book, obviously."

Veronica scoffed as she swatted his arm playfully. "That's not what I meant! Why are females more dangerous?"

"Oh," Charlie chuckled. "Because they're much larger than their male counterparts. And they're much more aggressive."

"Hmm, that's interesting. I–"

Just then, Madam Pomfrey entered the room and made her way over to the pair. As always, they waited with bated breath for what she was going to say. "Ms. Singer, let's check your temperature, shall we? It was just a hair too high last night for me to let you leave, but I think it will be okay today. Your temperature has been slowly going back to normal over the last few days, and all your other symptoms have pretty much cleared up as well, so I'm hopeful that you'll be able to be discharged today." After removing the thermometer from her mouth and handing it to Madam Pomfrey, Veronica held Charlie's hand as they waited for the verdict. The neutral look on the matron's face did nothing to soothe their anxieties, but then, she broke out into a smile, and the pair squealed. "You're good to go, Ms. Singer! You are finally free to go!"

"Yaaaay!" Veronica jumped out of bed and into Charlie's waiting arms as he easily caught her around the waist and swung her around.

Madam Pomfrey watched the two in amusement, and for the millionth time, she wondered how they could both be so oblivious. She almost wanted to shout at them for being so blind and force them to admit their feelings for each other, but she decided against it. They needed to do this on their own. She only hoped they wouldn't wait until it was too late. "Happy Holidays, you two. Now go. Enjoy the last few days of the Christmas break. And please, Ms. Singer, I don't want to see you back here for the rest of your time at Hogwarts, okay? I mean that in the nicest way possible. Don't come back!"

Veronica chuckled as she made her way out of the Hospital Wing with Charlie. "I'll try!"

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