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As Charlie paced by the lake waiting for Veronica to arrive, he went over in his mind what he would say to her. He had decided on his walk there that he would finally man up and tell her how he felt about her. He couldn't possibly go to Romania without her knowing, and if by some miracle she felt the same way, he would ask her to go with him.

The longer it took for Veronica to get there, the more his mind had opportunities to think of every negative outcome that could come of this. What if she didn't feel the same way? What if things grew awkward between them? What if he lost her forever because he couldn't keep his big mouth shut?

Just then, Veronica came bounding down the path towards him, and her face radiated the happiness it was clear she was feeling. For a moment, everything else melted away, and she was all he could think about. He needed to know what was making her so happy. "What? What is it? What happened during the meeting?"

Veronica continued to run at him full speed until she was close enough to jump into his arms. He hadn't expected it, so he lost his balance and tumbled to the ground with her following suit. He made sure to break her fall as he held her close, ensuring she fell on top of him and not on the ground. Giggling, Veronica rolled off him and laid on her back in the grass with her eyes closed for a moment, enjoying the sun on her face. Charlie turned to her and leaned up on an elbow, watching her. She always looked beautiful, but nothing compared to the way she looked in that moment. He wanted to sear the image of her in his memory, just in case things didn't work out the way he hoped they would.

Opening her eyes, Veronica turned and mirrored him with a huge smile on her face. "Flitwick is going on sabbatical for a few years, and they want me to take over for him!"

Charlie's eyes widened in surprise. "What?"

"I know right!?! They offered me a job! I'll be working at Hogwarts next year! Can you believe it?" Veronica couldn't contain her happiness and lunged forward at him, hugging him tightly.

Charlie was glad she couldn't see his face because he was devastated. Part of him was beyond happy for her; he knew this was a dream come true, and she deserved to be happy. But on the other hand, he knew he could never tell her how he felt now, and he couldn't possibly ask her to come to Romania with him. He couldn't make her choose between him and her dream job; it wasn't fair. So, putting on a smile, he pulled away from her. "That's amazing, Ronnie. I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks, Charlie! Now tell me, how did the lecture go?"

"It was great, actually. And coincidentally... I was also offered a job."

Veronica's eyebrows raised. "Really? In Romania?" Charlie nodded, but never took his eyes off her. He wanted to see her reaction. Veronica smiled instantly, but it didn't reach her eyes. There was sadness there. "That's amazing, Charlie. I know how much you've dreamed of a job like this, and I really am so happy for you."

"But?" He pried, wanting her to say what they were both thinking.

Sitting up, she tried her best to hold back her tears as she whispered, "you'll just be so far away, that's all. I'm going to miss you."

Charlie sat up and faced her, cupping her cheeks. "Merlin, I'm going to miss you too, Veronica. More than you even know. But we'll keep in touch, won't we? And we'll visit each other as much as we can? You can come spend summers with me in Romania, and I'll come whenever I can get time off." Veronica nodded as a few tears escaped her eyes. She tried to wipe them away quickly, but Charlie had already seen them. Pulling her into his chest, he held her close and stroked her hair. "I love you, Veronica." I wish I could tell you just how much. I really was so close to telling you how I felt, but now I never can. Maybe it's for the best.

The pair stayed like this for a long time, knowing that their time together was limited, and they wanted to make the most of every second.


Christmas at the Burrow that year had been more emotional than usual. Molly had been thrilled to hear the news of the two of them being offered jobs before graduating and before even taking their N.E.W.Ts exams. And while she was happy that Veronica would be teaching at Hogwarts and that she would be there to keep an eye on her remaining children, she was worried sick about Charlie working with dragons. She also wasn't thrilled that he would be moving to Romania, but she knew she couldn't prevent him from going.

As Molly watched the two together, she knew they were counting down the days until they'd be separated, and it broke her heart. For the millionth time, she wished Charlie would just tell Veronica how he felt. Little did she know that boat had already sailed. He was convinced to keep his feelings to himself, and it would take a miracle to change his mind.

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