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As Veronica flew around the pitch, she realized just how proud she was of her team. They were playing so well, and it was looking very promising. We could actually win this thing. Just then, as if she had spoken too soon, she felt her broom jerk violently to the right like it had a mind of its own, which sent her flying off. She barely managed to grab hold of the broom with the tips of her fingers and pull herself back up before it began going crazy. It jerked her around so wildly that Veronica thought it was purposely trying to buck her off, and she knew if she didn't manage to get it under control soon, it would succeed and she would be out of the game. However, this was much easier said than done as she couldn't concentrate on anything except staying on her broom, and she held onto it for dear life as it flew her wildly around the pitch.

During a brief moment of calm, Veronica locked eyes with her Headmaster, and wordlessly asked him if he knew what was happening. Professor Dumbledore shook his head, but his eyes quickly darted to something over her shoulder, and before she could turn around, he had apparated away. There then came a loud, collective gasp from behind her, and turning quickly, she watched as Dumbledore dragged Archie out of the stands by his ear. Veronica turned back to the commentary box and raised her eyebrows at Snape, who shrugged and seemed just as confused as she was.

Veronica sighed as Reggie flew over to her. "What's going on, V? You alright? What was that all about?"

"I have no idea, Reg. I had no control of my broom for a while there, and then Dumbledore just dragged Archie out of the stands, so I have a feeling he had something to do with it, but I don't know... Anyway, my broom is fine now, so let's get back to the game. We'll chat after."

And they did just that. Once Veronica's broom began cooperating with her again, she was sure to make up for lost time. She was ruthless with her Bludgers, sending them at every member of the Hufflepuff team that she could, which allowed her team to not only catch up to them, but to overtake them completely. By the time Maribelle caught the snitch, Ravenclaw had pulled ahead 750 to 200 and the game was over. They had won! They had finally won a game this year, and it felt great. As they all landed their brooms, they ran around the pitch hugging each other and celebrating their victory, and Reggie had just pulled Veronica into his chest when the pair heard a familiar voice behind them. Turning, they saw their potions master, who looked out of place on the Quidditch Pitch. Veronica would have chuckled at this if he hadn't had such a serious look on his face.

"Ms. Singer, I need you to come with me."

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