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As students returned to Hogwarts, news of Veronica's release had traveled fast, and everyone was sure to let her know how excited they were to see her and how much they looked forward to watching her play in the next game against Hufflepuff. It was all very heartwarming, but it did nothing to soothe her disappointment. The Ravenclaw team now had no way of winning the Quidditch cup, and it was all her fault. Veronica had failed her team, and she felt awful about it.

However, despite her feelings, she knew she had to put on a positive attitude and find a way to encourage and motivate her team. So, at the first practice after the holidays, she gathered them around her in the middle of the Quidditch pitch. "Team, I want to start off by thanking each and every one of you for your well wishes while I was in the Hospital Wing. It really meant a lot to me. I also want to thank you for keeping up the hard work and dedication while I was gone. I know that Reggie definitely appreciated it." Turning to her friend, she added, "and thank you, Reg, for taking on the Captain role even though you didn't want to. It took such a weight off my shoulders knowing that the team was in good hands." The pair smiled at each other, and Veronica continued quickly, knowing they would both tear up if she didn't. "So, I'm sure you've all been keeping score, but I'm going to explain the situation anyway... Now, unfortunately, seeing as we've already lost two out of our three games, we now have no chance of making it into the finals, which means we are out of the running for the Quidditch Cup. However, that doesn't mean we can't still play our best in this last game against Hufflepuff, and have fun while we're doing it. We have a unique opportunity here. There is no pressure on our shoulders whatsoever! So we can just go out there, have fun, and play some good Quidditch. Now, who's with me?"


"That was a great practice everyone! See you tomorrow!" As the team left the pitch, Reggie stayed back to help Veronica clean up, and she took this opportunity to get something off her chest. "Reg... I'm so sorry. This year turned out to be so shitty, and it's such a crappy way to end your time at Hogwarts."

"What? No way! It may have sucked Quidditch-wise for the Ravenclaw team, but I had a lot of fun watching you come into your own as the Captain. And I got to confirm to myself that it was never a position I wanted and that it was always meant to be you. And while it definitely sucked seeing you in the Hospital Wing and worrying every day that you wouldn't get better, it was inspiring to watch you fight and make it out alive while pretty much still captaining the team with me the whole time. And like you said today, Quidditch is supposed to be about having fun. We've definitely forgotten about that over the years as we've turned it into such a competitive thing, but it's meant to be a fun activity to do with friends. Isn't that how it was created?" Reggie pulled her into his side with his arm around her shoulders as they walked up the path towards the school. "So, we'll have a ton of fun during the next few practices and at our final game, and we'll just enjoy ourselves. If you ask me, that's a pretty great way to end my time at Hogwarts."

Veronica stopped and turned, pulling him into a tight hug. She would miss him so much; she didn't know what she would do without him next year. She only hoped she would make him proud and be able to lead the team to victory. For the both of them.

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