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After retrieving the money from her grandparent's vault and a brief lesson from Hagrid on wizard money, the two made their way from shop to shop purchasing all the supplies listed in her Hogwarts letter. Their last stop was Ollivander's, and this was the moment Veronica had been waiting for since she found out what she was. She was finally getting a wand.

"You go on inside, Veronica. Ollivander refuses to let me in after the mess I caused last time. I'll be waiting right out here." Veronica's nervous gaze landed on him. "Don't worry, you'll be alright. Ollivander will help you find the perfect wand, I promise. Go on now."

Veronica swallowed her nerves and entered the shop.

"Ah, Ms. Singer. I was beginning to think the magic gene had skipped your generation as well. I see Hagrid has you running late, as always. No matter. You're here now, and I'll have you sorted out in no time." Veronica had no time to process anything before Ollivander handed her a wand. "Try this one." As soon as Veronica touched it, boxes went flying off the shelves and drawers were thrown across the room. Veronica quickly dropped the wand onto the desk in front of her and stepped away from it. "No, not that one." He handed her another.

After a few samples, Ollivander's eyes widened. "Of course, I should have known." Confidently, he made his way to the opposite wall and pulled out a long, royal blue box from amidst the sea of boxes. "Yes, this will surely be it." Before he had even placed it in her hands, Veronica felt connected to this wand. She felt a pull, something inside her telling her to grab it and never let go. And that feeling only got stronger when it was placed in her hand. She felt a buzz go through her, like electricity making her hair stand up. She felt a rush of wind swirling around her, and by the look on Ollivander's face, she knew this was the one. Still, she had to know.

"Mr. Ollivander, sir. How did you know this wand would work for me?"

"Ms. Singer, I remember every wand I've ever sold. Your grandparents, all four of them, came in here when they were eleven to get their wands too. And all four wands had two things in common: a phoenix feather core and laurel wood. The length and flexibility varied, but the main components of the wands were the same. Now, that wand you possess is also a laurel wood wand with a phoenix feather core. Yours is the longest of the bunch: 13 ¾ inches, and it's slightly yielding."

Veronica wiped the tears from her eyes as she stared down at the wand in her hands. She had never felt as connected to her grandparents as she did at that moment.

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