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"This is the twelfth time, Ronnie. Twelfth."

Veronica chuckled as she and Charlie turned the corner and made their way through the Courtyard. They were on their way to the Quidditch Pitch for the first game of the season, which would see Ravenclaw playing Hufflepuff.

"Yeah, but you know Percy, Charlie. He will come complaining to you if they so much as breathe in a way he doesn't like. The twins could be doing absolutely nothing, but he'll manage to find something to complain about."

Charlie raised his eyebrows and nodded knowingly. "I know. But twelve times, I mean come on. And that's just this week. I really don't know how much more I can take."

Veronica smiled as she shook her head. "I'll talk to him."

Charlie pulled her into his side and beamed. "Thanks, Ronnie! You're the best."


As Veronica stood in the tent and watched her team get ready for the game, she felt her chest tighten and the anxiety she had been feeling since the start of the year had come back tenfold. Quietly, she slipped out of the changing room tent and breathed in the fresh air as she paced back and forth, trying hard not to think about everything that could go wrong during the game.

"Oh no, I know that look. You're overthinking again... as usual."

Veronica had her back to the stranger, but she didn't need to see them to know who they were. She knew that voice like the back of her hand. Spinning around quickly, she ran and jumped into Reggie's arms, hugging him tightly. "You came! I can't believe you're actually here!"

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss this for the world, V."

"I've missed you so much this year. It's been hell without you."

"Oh hush, I'm sure you've been doing great."

Veronica shook her head, but changed the subject, knowing she didn't have much time. "Do you have anything you need to rush back to or do you have time to grab a Butterbeer after the game?"

Reggie shrugged. "I'm all yours today, so we can grab a Butterbeer, for sure."

"Yay, I'm so excited to catch up with you!"

"Me too. And you can bring Charlie too if you'd like. I'm sure he'll want to spend time with you after the game."

"No, no, no. I see him everyday, but I never get to see you anymore. It's fine. He'll survive a few hours without me." Veronica chuckled before turning at the sound of her name being called from behind her.

"Sorry to interrupt, Captain, but Madam Hooch is looking for you. I think we're about to get started."

"All good, thanks Simon. I'll be right in."

"Cool. It's great to see you, Reggie."

"You too, Simon!"

Once Simon disappeared into the tent, Veronica turned back to her friend. "Well... wish us luck, Reg. I think we're gonna need it."

"Don't do that! You'll be great! I'll see you after, okay? Do you want me to come find you here or do you want to meet me at the Three Broomsticks?"

"No, let's meet there. I'll have to find Charlie and let him know."

"So, I take it you and him still haven't told each other how you feel, huh?"

"Oh Merlin, not this again. I've got to go!"

"Veronica! Why–"

"Sorry, I can't hear you! I'm gone!"

Reggie shook his head and chuckled as he made his way into the commentary box with the professors. Those two could not be more oblivious.


Veronica watched as Walker Mathis raced against the Hufflepuff Seeker, each with an arm outstretched. This was it. One of them was about to end the game and win it for their team. The score had been neck and neck the whole game, so this would be the deciding factor.

As Veronica watched him, she thought about how much he had grown into the position over the years. It felt like it was yesterday when he had been the reserve Seeker and replaced Maribelle for a few games when her grades needed to be improved in Veronica's fourth year. Back then he had been such a shy kid, but over the years, he had gained so much confidence. He had rocked the tryout and had earned the permanent Seeker position. But even the growth and improvement she had seen in him from the tryouts at the start of the season were impressive. She was so proud of him.

"Oof!" Veronica lost all the breath in her lungs as she felt something hard hit her back like a ton of bricks. Turning, she saw one of the Hufflepuff Beaters watching her with fear in their eyes and realized it had been a Bludger. That's what I get for letting my thoughts distract me. Both Seekers had lost the Snitch, and the game had continued around her without her even noticing.

"Shit, Captain, are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you were distracted... I should have stopped it from hitting you."

"No, no. My fault, Mavis. You're doing great. Keep sending Bludgers my way, we need to get their Seeker out of here."


"Yes! That's how you do it, Walker! Hell yeah!"

Simon and Veronica lifted the small boy onto one of their shoulders each and cheered as they bounced him up and down, while the whole team jumped around them as they celebrated their first victory of the season.

Putting him down, Veronica put her arm around his shoulders and looked at her team. "You all did bloody brilliant today. Seriously, great job everyone. Now go and celebrate. And for those of you old enough, one round of Butterbeer is on me at the Three Broomsticks. Mavis, there's always next year, love. This year, you can grab a pumpkin juice from the Great Hall." Veronica chuckled as she walked them all to the changing rooms, and once they had all changed out of their Quidditch robes, she shooed them out. "And remember, there's no practice tomorrow! You get a day off. See you all on Tuesday!"

As her team made their way down the path towards the school, Veronica felt arms wrap around her from behind. The smell of vanilla and the outdoors filled her senses, and she felt instantly at home. Turning in his arms, she smiled up at Charlie. "Hi."

"Hi. Congratulations on your win, that was a great game."

"You think so? I feel like we could have done better."

"Ronnie, you're the Captain. Of course, you're going to think that. But believe me, it was great."

Veronica sighed in relief as she lay her cheek on his chest and hugged him tight. "Thanks. It means a lot."

"Of course, love. You wanna grab a Butterbeer to celebrate?"

Veronica cringed as she pulled away from him slightly. "I'm sorry, Charlie, but Reggie came to watch the game, and I–"

"Oh, gotcha. For sure, it's all good. I'll see you later then."

"I'm sorry, Charlie."

"It's fine, Ronnie. Honestly, I know how much you miss him, so this'll be good for you. Besides, I have to finish that essay for Snape anyway."

Veronica's jaw dropped and her eyes widened as she stared at him. "That essay that he assigned to us last week?" Charlie nodded. "The one that's due tomorrow?" He nodded again. "The one you told me you finished already!?!"

Charlie chuckled as he scratched his head awkwardly. "Yes! Okay? I know, but I just can't wrap my head around Golpalott's Third Law. It isn't clicking for me."

"Charlie! He isn't asking you to brew an antidote for a mixed poison. He's just asking you to write a bloody essay about the Law. It's not that hard."

"For you! It's hard for me!"

"Then forget it. I'll tell Reggie I can't come. I'll stay and help you."

Charlie shook his head adamantly and began pushing her towards the path to Hogsmeade. "Absolutely not. You go and have fun. I'm going to the library to bury my nose in some books. Besides, you've already tried explaining it, so maybe reading about it will help. If you finish early, I'll be there, so you can come find me. If not, we'll meet at dinner."

"Okay, okay. I'll see you later!"

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