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While the Weasley's ate, Veronica had finished and slipped away to talk to Tom. She had let him know that she had told her friends the truth and would be staying with them for the rest of the summer. While he was bummed to see her go, he was glad that it had worked out for her. While there, she had also paid for the bill, which the Weasley parents were not all-together thrilled about but appreciated all the same.

As they had made their way through Diagon Alley buying everything they needed, she had made sure to let all the shopkeepers know that the cat was out of the bag. This had made Florean particularly happy, except he wasn't as thrilled to hear she would be leaving the Leaky Cauldron. He was glad she wouldn't be alone all summer anymore, but he would miss seeing her smiling face everyday.

At one point, Charlie and Bill had pulled Veronica aside and given her the birthday presents they had bought for her. She tried to hide the tears that were threatening to spill from her eyes, but it was hard; she hadn't celebrated her birthday since her grandparents died. The trio had exchanged Christmas presents last year and Mrs. Weasley had sent her a homemade sweater with her first initial on it, but that had been different. She was used to getting small Christmas presents from her friends from school, but since her birthday was in the summer, she was never able to celebrate with friends, and her parents ignored her more than usual on her birthday. Besides, she never ceased to be overwhelmed that the Weasley brothers would spend the little money they had on her.

Charlie had gotten her "Quidditch Through the Ages" because he knew she loved to read, and he was hoping that this book would show her how fun playing Quidditch can be. He knew it was a long shot, but it might at least help her understand the game enough to enjoy watching it with him. Bill had gotten her a pot of invisible ink that could only be revealed by placing a source of heat close enough to the paper that it warms the ink, but not close enough to burn the parchment. This could let her send secret messages to him and Charlie without anyone else being able to read them. Veronica couldn't wipe the smile off her face for the rest of the day.

After a long day at Diagon Alley, it was finally time to go home. Veronica couldn't wait to see the place that she had heard so much about from her friends. A real wizard household. It was so exciting! Except she was quite confused as to why they were crowding around a fireplace.

Veronica turned to whisper in Charlie's ear. "What's going on Charlie?"

"We're going home, what do you mean?"

"But why are we standing in front of this fireplace?"

"Ohhhh, of course! You haven't– Mum, dad, Veronica's never traveled by floo powder before."

"Floo powder?"

"Ah, not to worry dear. We'll show you how." Mrs. Weasley pulled Veronica to the front of the group with Bill. "Now watch Bill carefully."

Veronica watched as Bill grabbed a handful of green glittering powder from the vase in his mother's hand and threw it at the small fire in the fireplace. The fire grew taller than Arthur and was a beautiful Emerald Green. "The Burrow," he shouted as he stepped into the flames and disappeared. Veronica gasped and took an involuntary step back, bumping into Charlie who had come to stand behind her.

"Oh, no need to fear dear. The flames are harmless, it's perfectly safe." Mrs. Weasley squeezed Veronica's shoulder to comfort her. "Now remember, you need to speak very clearly and loudly in order to be sure that you get out at the right place. Keep your eyes closed otherwise you'll get soot in them, keep your elbows tucked in to avoid hitting them on passing fireplaces, and try not fidget or panic because you could get off on the wrong stop. If you can remember that, you'll be alright."

"Speak loud and clear, eyes shut, elbows tucked in, don't fidget or panic. Got it." I so don't got it. I'm already panicking.

"Good. Now go ahead. Bill will be there waiting on the other side."

Veronica took a deep breath, before grabbing a handful of powder and throwing it into the fireplace. "THE BURROW!" she yelled, and before she could overthink it, she stepped into the flames and prayed she wouldn't die.

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