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As Veronica walked down the path towards Hogsmeade, her mind raced over the conversation she had had with Tonks earlier that day. "You two don't kiss, you don't even hold hands. What kind of relationship is that? If he doesn't know something is up by now, he'll figure it out soon enough, Veronica." She knew her friend was right. The one time she and Art had kissed, it had felt unbelievably awkward, and she couldn't help but wish it were Charlie kissing her. Since that day, which was near the beginning of their relationship a few months ago, she hadn't initiated any more kissing, and for whatever reason, Art hadn't either; they both seemed content with the lack of physical intimacy.

But now, Veronica worried that Art wasn't content. She felt so bad for using him the way she was, but she really enjoyed his company and saw him as a true friend. She knew she had to do something with him before he began to get suspicious. She would just do it and get it over with. It would be fine, and by the time she arrived at the Three Broomsticks, she was determined.

When Veronica walked inside, Madam Rosmerta greeted her warmly before pointing to their usual booth where Art was already waiting. As she slid into the booth, she steeled herself, and before she could back down, she pecked Art on the lips.

Artemis' eyes widened as he watched the blush creep up her cheeks. Chuckling nervously, he reached over and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "What was that for?"

"What? A girl has to have a reason to kiss her boyfriend?" Veronica felt herself inwardly cringe, but she hoped it didn't show on her face.

"No, of course not." Artemis cleared his throat as he felt his cheeks heat up. As they stared at each other in silence for a minute, Art placed his hand on her cheek and pulled her face closer to his, connecting their lips in a soft, slow kiss.

Veronica tried her hardest to enjoy it. She tried to turn her brain off and stop it from wandering. She tried not to notice the awkwardness of her hands as she held them together in her lap, not knowing what else to do with them. She begged her brain not to focus on their teeth clashing together and tongues having an awkward war inside her mouth. When Artemis placed his other hand on her waist, that was the final straw for her. She just couldn't do it; she would come clean and face the consequences. She didn't care what happened, she just couldn't do this. She would do anything not to have to do this again. Placing her hand on his chest, she lightly pushed him off of her. "Please, stop," she whispered softly, unsure if he could even hear her.

"What's the matter? Did I do something wrong?"

Veronica shook her head as she stared at her lap, but the tears were flowing now, which didn't help to convey what she was trying to say. "Merlin no, Art. You've done nothing wrong. It's me. I'm the one that's been lying to you and using you this whole time, and I'm so sorry."

Artemis gently wiped the tears from her cheeks and forced her head up to look at him. When their eyes met, Veronica could definitely see his confusion, but there was something else she couldn't quite place. "What do you mean, Veronica?"

"I... I'm..." Veronica's face fell into her hands as she tried to hide her embarrassment, and her next words came out muffled, but understandable. "I'm in love with Charlie. I'm so sorry for leading you on Art. I really hoped dating you would help me get over him, but it hasn't worked, and kissing you today confirmed that I'm hopelessly in love with my best friend who doesn't love me back. But I can't be with anyone else because it doesn't feel right. I'm so sorry!" Veronica slowly uncovered her face and looked at him. "I really enjoyed your company all these months, and I think we would be great friends, and I'd love to stay friends, but I also understand if you want nothing to do with me."

Artemis was silent for a while as he processed her confession. Suddenly, he sighed heavily, and Veronica realized what that look had been earlier that she couldn't recognize: it was relief. He was relieved. It was Veronica's turn now to be confused as her eyebrows creased. "Thank Merlin. Veronica, thank you for trusting me with that. I can tell it's been weighing on your mind for a long time now. And you know your secret is safe with me. Besides, you're right, we make wonderful friends, and I'm glad we can stay friends after this because I'm hoping I can now trust you with my own secret." Veronica nodded slowly, but stayed silent, letting him continue. Taking a deep breath, he looked her in the eyes. "I've never told anyone this before, not even my sister." Veronica knew this must be something serious; he told Luna everything. "I... I'm gay."

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