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"Charlie, I want you to stop hanging out with Singer."

Charlie's eyes widened as he turned to his girlfriend. They had been dating for a few months, and while he liked her, she could never be Veronica. When he was with her, all he could think about was Veronica. When he kissed her, he wanted to be kissing Veronica. Veronica was the only thing on his mind when they were together, and it drove him mad. This was supposed to help him get over his best friend, not make him want her more.

Veronica had gone out with Lovegood that evening, which meant he was stuck hanging out with Aurora in an empty section of the library. Usually he wouldn't mind spending time with her, but lately she had been extra clingy. However, he had not been expecting her to say that.


"I said, I want you to stop hanging out with Singer."

"No, I heard what you said. I'm just not sure why you think I would ever do that."

"Excuse me?" Aurora's eyebrows rose as she stared at him. "I expect you to do that because you're my boyfriend, and I'm not comfortable having MY boyfriend always hanging out with another girl."

"She's my best friend, Aurora. I'm not going to stop hanging out with my best friend. Besides, you knew who she was to me before we started dating, it's what you signed up for."

"I know, but I thought you would distance yourself from her a little when we started dating. It's not normal how close you two are. And I don't like it." She had her arms crossed over her chest as she stood from her seat and paced back and forth in front of him. "And I expect that as my boyfriend, you care enough about the things I don't like to stop doing them. So, I'm asking you nicely. Stop hanging out with her."

Charlie was dumbfounded. She couldn't be serious. Was she really giving him an ultimatum right now? Was she really asking him to choose between her and Veronica? Clearly, she didn't know him very well.


Aurora's jaw dropped as she froze. "What do you mean, 'no'? I'm really not asking, Charlie. I'm telling you that if you want to be with me, you have to stop hanging out with her. That's it."

Charlie chuckled dryly before packing his bag and pushing his seat out, standing with his arms crossed over his chest. "Oh, my dear, sweet Aurora." Reaching out, he cupped her cheek before giving it a few light taps. "It is completely and utterly over between us."

Aurora's eyes widened as she stared at him in disbelief. "What? Are you kidding? All because I asked you to stop spending so much time with another girl? If that's all it takes, then you'll never have a girlfriend, because they will all feel the same!"

"So be it. I'd rather be single than date someone that would ask me to end my friendship with Veronica. She is the single most important thing in my life, and if I was given an ultimatum a million times, I would choose her a million and one. So take care Aurora, I'll see you around." And with that, Charlie made his way out of the library despite Aurora yelling and calling his name behind him. The last thing he heard before leaving the library was Madam Pince scolding her and asking her to leave.


"What do you mean you broke up? Why? You two were great together." Veronica cocked her eyebrows questioningly at him as they sat by the lake. All morning at breakfast, she had received dirty looks from Aurora. She was used to this from Archie, so she almost didn't notice until she accidentally made eye contact with the girl across the Great Hall.

"I told you, Ron. I just wasn't feeling her anymore, that's all."

"But I don't understand. You were feeling her yesterday. What happened?"

"Nothing happened! Now can we please drop it? The weather's nice, and I just want to spend some time with you before you leave me for your date with Lovegood."

Veronica eyed him suspiciously, but decided to drop it for now. He would tell her when he was ready.


"Did you hear what happened with Aurora May and Charlie Weasley?" Veronica froze as she overheard two Hufflepuff girls having a hushed conversation behind her in Charms. She knew she shouldn't be listening to rumors, but she had to know what Charlie could possibly be hiding from her. As she glanced over at Tonks, who was seated beside her, she could tell that she could also hear the two girls.

"No! I heard they broke up, but it was totally out of the blue. Do you know what happened?"

"Are you kidding? Aurora has been telling the story to anyone that'll listen. I asked her about it because I wanted to hear it directly from her, and she said Charlie broke up with her because she asked him to stop being friends with Singer."

Veronica choked on her saliva and began coughing uncontrollably as Tonks patted her on the back.

"Ms. Singer, are you alright?" Flitwick rushed over with an empty goblet and used Aguamenti to fill it with water. "Here, drink this."


Veronica dragged Charlie down to the lake after dinner. She couldn't wait any longer to talk to him about this.

"Charlie... Did you really break up with Aurora because of me?"

Charlie's eyes filled with realization. "Ah, so you've heard the rumors, have you?"

"Yes, but I wanted to hear it from you. So just answer the question please. Is it true?"

Charlie sighed as he rubbed his hand down his face. With his back to her, he nodded. "It's true."

"Why!?!" Veronica grabbed his arm and spun him around to look at her. "Why would you do that? You liked her, and you two were good together!" Despite her words, she was so thankful that he was brushing her off with a wave of his hand. She wanted him to choose her, even if it was just as a friend. But she really did feel bad that his relationship had ended because of her.

"Ronnie, I could never be with anyone that asked me to pick. I should never be given an ultimatum in a relationship. It should never be 'do this or we're over.' That's not how relationships should work." Veronica nodded in understanding, relieved that she wasn't really the reason he ended his relationship. It was the ultimatum itself. "Besides, I'd choose you over any one any day."


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