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If asked, Veronica would say the last two months had been the worst months she had had since starting at Hogwarts four years ago. Tonks went everywhere with her and Charlie, and she was constantly trying to make Veronica uncomfortable by showing as much PDA as possible. At first, Veronica tried to ignore it; she didn't want to give Tonks any satisfaction. But as the weeks went by, she couldn't take it anymore. She began distancing herself from the couple and making excuses as to why she couldn't spend time with them. In the span of three weeks, Veronica went from spending practically every waking hour with Charlie to only seeing him at the lake on Saturdays. She even stopped eating meals in the Great Hall all together. Instead, she would make her way down to the kitchens where the house elves would let her eat her meals with them. She also found herself spending a lot of time with Snape in his office. So much so that he brought in a small little desk and put it beside his, giving her a space where she could work on whatever homework she needed to do. She hadn't volunteered any details to her professor or headmaster about why she was avoiding Charlie, and they hadn't asked her. They knew she could handle whatever it was on her own. However, they ensured she had somewhere to go in the meantime when she needed to be alone.

Now, after more than two months of torture, Veronica felt like she couldn't even spend Saturdays at the lake with Charlie anymore. All he did those days was talk about Tonks, and she didn't think she could handle hearing anymore about the love of her life snogging someone else. Especially when he went on and on about how much he enjoyed it and how much he liked her. That was how she found herself, on the most beautiful Saturday afternoon she had seen in a long time, in the farthest reaches of the library, where students rarely ever ventured to, sitting and reading alone. It was depressing, she knew that, but she had told Charlie that she had a meeting with Dumbledore and Snape that afternoon, and she couldn't risk him finding out she was lying. First, he would never forgive her. Second, he would never trust her. And third, and almost worst of all, she would have to go back to the torture that was hanging out with him. She couldn't believe the way she was feeling now. She never would have imagined hating being around her best friend, but she didn't know if she could even call Charlie her best friend anymore. He wasn't the same. He didn't care about her now that he had Tonks.

"Hey, Veronica!"

Her head shot up at the voice, but she quickly relaxed as she saw Maribelle peeking her head around the bookshelf that was concealing Veronica from the rest of the library. She was extremely glad to have a distraction from the painful thoughts that plagued her mind every waking second of the day. "Oh, hey Mar! You know it's always great to see you, but what are you doing inside on a day like today? You should be enjoying the weather."

"I would say the same to you, but I've noticed you avoiding Charlie ever since he started dating that Hufflepuff girl, and you've been spending most of your time inside... except for when there's practice of course." The sixth-year girl chuckled at the distressed look on her teammate's face. "Don't worry, I won't ask what that's about. I'm just making an observation." Maribelle raised her hands to emphasize her words. "Anyway, I'm here looking for some of the books I need for Charms and Transfiguration. I figured it would be easier to find them when the library's empty."

"You're still working on getting your grades up for Quidditch?"

"Of course! I'm so anxious to get back on the team, you have no idea. Seeing you lot playing in the first game of the season last week against Slytherin and not being able to play was rough to say the least. Especially knowing we could have won if I was playing; I definitely would have caught that Snitch. I don't want to have to deal with that again. I need to be back on the team ASAP."

Veronica smiled sympathetically. "I hear you. I can tell you we definitely want you back on the team ASAP. Walker is okay, but he isn't you, Mar. You're irreplaceable." Veronica chuckled at the blush creeping onto her friend's face. "But, you know, the Charms and Transfiguration books aren't here. They're all in the first two rows of bookshelves at the front of the library in front of Pince's desk."

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