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As students were sorted in alphabetical order, about a dozen first-years were called up before Veronica. There had been at least one student sorted into each house except Slytherin, and Veronica feared that she would be the first. All eyes were on her as she sat on the stool, and the hat was placed on her head.

All of a sudden, she heard a voice in her head. "Ah! A Singer-Royal! I haven't sorted one of you in decades. I was beginning to wonder if I would ever get the privilege. Knowing your grandparents, I'm sure we can expect great things from you, Ms. Singer. Now, where to put you? Your grandparents were easy to sort, I knew right away that they were Ravenclaws. But you are tricky. You have traits that could put you in any of the four houses. There is no denying your intelligence, but I also see bravery and loyalty, which could place you in Ravenclaw, Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. And yet, I also see that you can be cunning and your ambition surpasses that of any other witch or wizard I have ever sorted. It seems to me that Slytherin could be a perfect match-"

No! Please! Don't put me in Slytherin!

"What's that? Not Slytherin? Afraid you'll turn out like all the rest, eh? I won't deny the connection Slytherin house has with the Dark Arts, but it has turned out many of the most powerful witches and wizards in history. And I foresee you being among the most powerful."

Please! Anything but Slytherin. I'm begging you. Not Slytherin.

"Alright! Seeing as you're so desperate not to be in Slytherin, I'll put you in... RAVENCLAW!" The sorting hat announced the last part out loud for the whole room to hear, and Veronica took a huge sigh of relief. Not only was she not placed in Slytherin, she also got her wish of being a Ravenclaw like her grandparents.

As she stood from the stool, her eyes landed on Charlie, who was beaming at her. He was so happy for her.

Charlie was one of the last to be sorted, but he also got his wish. He was placed in Gryffindor, just like the rest of his family. Veronica hoped they would remain friends.

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