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"Veronica, you have your ticket?" Hagrid had to shout in order to be heard over the commotion at King's Cross Station.

Veronica nodded as she tried to keep up with his long strides. It was difficult keeping up when he was walking normally, but when he was rushing, it was impossible.

"Veronica! Do you have your ticket?"

"Yes! It's right here!" Veronica shouted, as she waved the ticket in the air.

"Good! You'll need that to access the platform!" As they reached platform 9, Hagrid stopped abruptly and turned to her. "Now, listen carefully Veronica. This is as far as I can go, I'm afraid. You'll have to go the rest of the way alone. Now, you see that wall over there, between platforms 9 and 10?" Veronica nodded quickly. "You'll need to walk straight into that wall in order to access the Hogwarts Express. I know it may sound absurd, but you've done many things today that the old you would have thought were absurd, so just trust me. It always helps to run, especially if you're nervous."

Veronica gulped loudly. "But Hagrid, won't people see me vanishing into the wall? The muggles, I mean."

"Oh no, they don't notice a thing. Too busy trying to get where they're going. Once you pass through, get onto the train right away. Bring your trunk with you into your compartment. When you get to Hogwarts, you can leave it on the train. It will be brought to your dorms once you're sorted. Now go on, you'll be late. There's only five minutes left."

"Okay! Thank you for everything, Hagrid. I couldn't have done it without you. I'll see you at Hogwarts."

As Veronica walked away, she heard Hagrid yell, "oh, and one more thing! Keep an eye out for redheads!" Her eyebrows furrowed as she turned back towards him, but was surprised to see that he was nowhere to be found. Turning back, Veronica made her way over to the wall Hagrid pointed out. After taking a few breaths to calm her nerves, she made a run for the wall, all the while praying she didn't get hurt running into a solid brick wall.

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