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Nymphadora Tonks had fallen to her hands and knees and was hunched over, trying to catch her breath as the wind was completely knocked out of her from the impact of her back hitting the wall so hard. Veronica rushed over and knelt beside her, apologizing profusely. She was very worried for her; Flipendo typically sent the target back several feet, but with no room behind her, it sent Nymphadora slamming into the wall instead. Veronica was worried the force may have really hurt her.

"Are you okay? You're Nymphadora, right? Do I need to take you to the hospital wing? I'm so, so sorry! I didn't expect to see anyone, and I was startled. I'm really sorry! Are you okay?" Veronica rambled frantically as she moved her hands over Nymphadora's body, checking for any signs of injuries.

The Hufflepuff sat up and leaned her back against the wall, pushing Veronica's hands away as she chuckled. "It's alright, Singer! I'm fine. Besides, it's totally my bad, I should have known better than to sneak up like that on someone that can perform non-verbal wandless magic with such ease. And please, call me Tonks. I hate being called Nymphadora."

Veronica nodded with a smile as she leaned back on her heels. "Alright, Tonks. Are you sure you're okay, though? I really didn't mean to hurt you."

"No, no, I know. I'm fine. Just knocked the wind out of me, that's all. But I'm good. Really."

Veronica sighed with relief. "Thank goodness!" Slowly, she maneuvered to be sitting cross-legged in front of Tonks. A thought occurred to her, and before she could stop herself, it was coming out of her mouth. "What were you doing here, anyway? Were you spying on me and Archie?"

"No!" Tonks put her hands up, waving them slightly to defend herself. "You know, it's actually a funny story, but... Can I trust you to keep a secret?"

Now, Veronica was intrigued. "Sure, as long as I can trust you to keep mine. I'd rather not have the whole school knowing I can do non-verbal wandless magic."

"Alright. Although, I don't understand why not. You would be the talk of the school... Oh, I guess that's why." The two girls laugh at Tonks' realization within her own ramblings. "Okay, I won't tell anyone. So, the thing is, I actually use a broom cupboard in that hall to hide my pranks since no one ever uses it. To be fair, no one ever uses this hallway either so I didn't expect to see anyone here. But I heard you two arguing, and didn't want to interrupt. I should have left and given you your privacy though, I'm sorry about that."

Veronica shook her head softly. "That's okay."

"So, what were you doing down here anyway? How'd Archie corner you here?"

Veronica smirked mischievously. "I actually noticed him following me when I left the Great Hall after lunch, and I knew this hallway was always deserted. So I tricked him into following me here so we could argue away from prying eyes and ears. I guess that didn't really work very well." Veronica chuckled as Tonks' cheeks reddened. She stood and offered her hand to help Tonks stand with her, and together, they began walking towards the library.

"Yeah, sorry about that! But hey, what you did back there was super badass. You really put him in his place. I like it. I like your spunk, Singer." Now it was Veronica's turn to blush. Tonks pretended not to notice. "How'd you learn to do that, anyway? That's really advanced."

Veronica smiled knowingly. Now that they were in a crowded hallway, Tonks had methodically avoided mentioning exactly what it was Veronica could do. Veronica appreciated the thoughtfulness. "With a lot and a lot of studying and practice. It took me the whole year last year to get it."

Tonks' eyebrows raised and her eyes widened as she stopped in the middle of the hallway, turning to look at Veronica. "Wait, you mean to tell me you taught yourself?" Veronica nodded shyly, avoiding her gaze. "Wow! Well, now I'm really impressed. Do you think you could try to teach me?"

Veronica glanced at the Hufflepuff beside her; the excitement and enthusiasm on her face was unmistakable. "I can definitely try!" Veronica smiled. "But it's not an easy thing to be able to perform, and many full grown witches and wizards aren't able to do it, so I need you to be prepared for that."

Tonks had a gleam in her eye. "Now I definitely want to try!"

Veronica smirked and chuckled as they continued on their way. "Okay." She was excited; she absolutely loved teaching, and this... this was going to be fun.

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