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Both teams watched with bated breath as Charlie and Maribelle raced after the snitch. There was nothing any of them could do now. Whichever Seeker caught the snitch would win the game, and in turn, the Quidditch Cup, for their team. And in the blink of an eye, Charlie inched forward just in time to get his fingers around it and pulled it to his chest. Gryffindor won!

Veronica knew she should be disappointed, and part of her was, but she was so excited for Charlie that her disappointment was overshadowed by her happiness for him. As Veronica landed her broom on the pitch, Emily flew down beside her. "Singer, you could at least pretend to be upset about this loss. You look way too happy right now."

Veronica shrugged as she chuckled. "Sorry Em, no can do." Her eyes widened as she glanced behind her captain to see Charlie landing a few feet away. "See ya!" She yelled over her shoulder as she sprinted over to her best friend and jumped into his open and waiting arms. "That was bloody brilliant, Charlie! Really great flying."

Charlie beamed. "Thanks, Ronnie." In a flash, the rest of the Gryffindor team began to surround them, trying to congratulate Charlie. "Hey, I'll see you outside the change rooms, okay?"

Veronica nodded, before heading to the change room, changing and making her way outside, where she ran into Artemis.

"Hey Veronica, sorry about the game. It sucks, you lot were so close to snagging it. You doing okay?"

Veronica chuckled. "Of course, Art! It's just Quidditch. Besides, I'm so happy for Charlie, he deserves the win."

Veronica's smile faded as she felt someone watching her, but when she glanced behind Art, she noticed Felix standing a few feet away trying to give them space as he waited for his boyfriend. When Felix glanced over, his cheeks reddened as Veronica made eye contact with him, and he quickly looked away. Veronica smirked, and waited for him to look back before winking at him. The poor boy's face flushed completely as his hands flew up to shield himself from her. This time, he refused to look back, which only made Veronica's smirk widen.

Artemis smiled knowingly as he followed Veronica's gaze. "He knows you know, by the way. I hope you don't mind that I told him."

Veronica waved him off. "Of course not. It's going to be a lot of fun teasing him about it next year."

Art grinned before glancing behind her. "Weasley's coming. You still haven't told him?"

"No! Now, would you and Tonks quit it already? I'm not going to tell him because he doesn't feel the same about me!" She whisper-yelled at him with her arms crossed over her chest.

Art raised his hands in defeat. "If you say so, Veronica. Anyway, if I don't get a chance to see you before we leave for the summer, take care, have a great holiday, and I'll see you in September, alright."

"Absolutely, you too Art! And keep in touch this summer, you hear me? Send me letters and photos, give me updates on your sister, your parents, Felix, everything. No radio silence!"

"You got it. But only if you promise to do the same!"


The two hugged quickly before Charlie came up behind Veronica and slung his arm over her shoulder. "Hey, Lovegood. I'm going to steal my best friend from you now, if you don't mind."

Art chuckled and shook his head as he watched them walk away together, Veronica laughing at something Charlie had said and gazing at him with so much love in her eyes. Charlie reflected the same look back at her. Art sighed frustratedly, knowing both their vision was so clouded by their love for each other that they couldn't see what was right in front of them. Merlin's beard! Those two are something else.

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