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Laying on her back in bed with an arm slung over her eyes, Veronica yawned quietly. She was so glad it was Friday. Over the last week, she had felt more tired than usual, so she desperately needed to catch up on her sleep. As she lay there, she debated just staying in bed and skipping her classes, but she ultimately decided against it. O.W.L's were just around the corner, and she didn't want to miss anything. So with that, she forced herself to get up and start her day.

After a quick shower, Veronica put on her robes and made her way down to the Great Hall for breakfast. She was looking forward to having pancakes with fruit, hazelnut spread, and syrup, and she really hoped that Bill and Charlie would just let her skip straight to sweets rather than forcing her to have "real food" first. Veronica rolled her eyes as she entered the Great Hall. As if sweets aren't real food. However, the moment she sat down between the Weasley brothers at the Gryffindor table, the smell of the food overcame her senses, and she was hit with a wave of nausea. Veronica jumped up and almost tripped over the bench behind her as she scrambled to get away from the table.

"Ron? What's wrong? You okay?" Charlie's concern was evident on his face as he stood and placed his hands on her shoulders to steady her.

Not wanting to worry him, Veronica nodded. "I'm fine. I'm just... not feeling very hungry this morning, that's all."

The three Weasley's eyebrows raised as they stared at her in shock. "What? But breakfast is your favorite meal of the day. What do you mean you aren't hungry?" Bill now stood beside the two friends with a look that mirrored Charlie's.

"I'm just not that hungry today. I don't know what to tell you guys."

"Veronica..." Charlie held her elbow and attempted to pull her back down onto the bench. "Come. You can have some pancakes. We won't make you eat anything else. Just have some pancakes and fruit. They're your favorite... and maybe that'll give you your appetite back!"

Veronica smiled softly before patting Charlie's cheek. "Honestly, I'm okay. I think I'll pass on breakfast today and just go straight to class. I came down late anyway, so it's almost time to go. But you can stay and finish up, Charlie."

"No, no, no." Charlie shook his head. "I'll walk with you."

With that, the pair said their goodbyes to Bill and Percy and made their way out of the Great Hall. Veronica made a right and began walking towards the dungeons but stopped abruptly when she heard Charlie calling her name. When she turned to look at him, she realized he hadn't been following her. Instead, he had made a left and was going the opposite way of where they needed to go. With an eyebrow raised, she chuckled. "Where are you going? Potions is this way."

Charlie rolled his eyes playfully. "I know that! We're fifth-years... if I didn't know my way around this castle by now, it would be super embarrassing. I just don't understand why you're going to Potions when we have Transfiguration this morning. Did you need to talk to Snape about something?"

"What are you talking about? It's Friday... I have double Potions on Friday mornings. You know that."

Charlie's smile fell as his eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowed. "Veronica... it's Wednesday."

"What?" Veronica shook her head as she chuckled. "No, it isn't. It's Friday."

"Ron, it's Wednesday! Don't you remember? We spent almost all of last night at the library working on our Transfiguration papers because they're due today."

Veronica's eyes widened as she bit her bottom lip and nodded. "Shit, yeah! You're right... I totally forgot! I don't know why I thought it was Friday today."

"It's probably because we didn't get much sleep last night. And you've been stressed about O.W.L's and Quidditch."

"Yeah, you're probably right. Thanks Charlie, I don't know what I would do without you."

Charlie chuckled as he pulled her towards Transfiguration. "Oh, come off it, we both know you'd be six feet under."

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