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As Veronica lay in the Hospital Wing, she tried to imagine how the game was going. She knew her friends would come see her as soon as it was over to tell her all about it, but you never knew with Quidditch how long that would be. The game could be over in minutes, but it could also take days. Plus, it was fun to see if any of her predictions turned out to be right.

As her mind wandered, she found her eyes getting heavier, and soon enough, she could barely keep them open. Deciding to take a quick nap, she made herself comfortable, but before she could drift off, there was a big commotion outside the Hospital Wing doors, and her eyes widened as she quickly sat up. Her ears perked up in an attempt to hear what was going on, and as she listened, she realized the noise was getting closer. Then, before she knew it, the doors flew open and a large group of people came bursting in, with Charlie and Reggie leading them. Behind them were the rest of the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw teams, and to Veronica's surprise, quite a few of the spectators of the game from all four houses had come too.

Veronica beamed at them all, but her eyebrows furrowed when Charlie and Reggie rushed past her towards one of the beds at the end of the room. It was only then that she realized they had been dragging behind them an unconscious Archie. After tossing him on the bed and leaving him to Madam Pomfrey, they pushed past the crowd of shouting students, all of whom were talking over each other trying to tell her what happened meaning she had no idea what they were saying, until they got to her bedside. Reggie ushered for Charlie to take a seat in the chair while he sat at the edge of her bed, with Bill on her other side, and both the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw team members at the front of the crowd surrounding her.

Turning to Reggie, she asked, "so, tell me what the hell is going on. What happened? That game didn't last long at all."

"V, you won't even believe it."

"We lost, didn't we?" The guilty look on Reggie's face said it all, and Veronica sighed heavily as she glanced at Archie, who was now awake and glaring at her. "What did he do?"

"He was absolutely awful, V. He kept hogging all the Bludgers; he was so adamant on hitting every one that, at one point, he flew at full speed from the other side of the pitch, almost knocking Mary off her broom, to hit a Bludger that I was more than ready and capable of hitting. And I wish it had at least been a good shot, but he completely missed all the Gryffindor players and almost hit Maribelle instead, so if she hadn't dodged it at the last second, we would have lost our Seeker within minutes of the game starting. Not to mention how much of a cocky bloody bastard he was. He was just trying to show off the whole game, and I'm sure his intentions were to make everyone realize what a mistake it had been for you to get on the team instead of him, but he failed miserably. His antics only made him a distraction to the rest of the team... AND TO HIS BLOODY SELF. He kept hitting our own players! He actually knocked Kate off her broom completely and broke the thing in half! Her new bloody broom! Finally, an hour into the game, he got hit by one of Thomas' Bludgers and was knocked out for the rest of the game. But by that point, we didn't stand a chance. It was Game One all over again. We lost by a landslide."

Veronica's jaw dropped, and her hands flew to her temples as she stared at him in disbelief. "You've got to be kidding me. At that point, we would have been better off sticking with the six of you rather than bringing him on to the team." Veronica closed her eyes for a moment as she sighed. "Unbelievable."

"Singer..." Veronica turned her head towards the voice and found Thomas staring back. She nodded softly, so he continued. "We all really missed you out there; it wasn't the same without you. There was no competition. So, I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we're glad you made the team and not him. He sucked."

The crowd surrounding her bed were all nodding in agreement and voicing similar opinions, which brought tears to her eyes. However, before she could say anything, Veronica noticed movement from the corner of her eye, and when she turned to look, she noticed Archie pointing his wand at her. Without hesitation, she effortlessly disarmed him, and his wand flew onto her lap before he could even begin muttering an incantation. There was a brief moment of silence before the room erupted in chaos. The crowd was amazed and shocked to see her performing non-verbal wandless magic, and they all wanted to know where she had learned it. Veronica and Charlie exchanged knowing glances as she shrugged nonchalantly.

Before the crowd could get too out of control, Madam Promfrey pushed her way through, and began shooing everyone out of the Hospital Wing, including Charlie, Reggie and Bill. "That's enough. All of you. Ms. Singer needs to rest now; that is enough excitement for one day."

Veronica chuckled as Charlie struggled against the school matron. "But I never even got to talk to her!"

Turning her eyes to the end of her bed, Veronica realized Kate was one of the last few left in the room. Before Madam Pomfrey could come back to kick her out too, Veronica motioned for her to come closer. "Kate, I don't want you to worry about your broom, okay? I'll take care of replacing it."

"No, Captain! You already–"

"Hey, I don't want to hear another word on the matter. I'll take care of it."

Kate wiped the tears escaping her eyes and hugged her Captain. "Thank you!"

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