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"Hey, how'd it go? Bill didn't give you too much of a hard time, did he?"

Charlie chuckled as he pulled his best friend into his side. "No, he was alright. He's a good Head Boy."

"Oh, I don't doubt that at all. Our Head Boy and Girl are pretty great too. They seem like they know what they're doing. Now, come on. Let's go do our rounds so we can get back to our carriage."

As Veronica walked up and down the train with Charlie, her mind wandered back to the moment they had received their Hogwarts letters that summer. They were accustomed to receiving a new letter each summer with a list of textbooks and supplies they would need for the coming school year, but the pair quickly noticed something was different when their envelopes were much larger and bulkier than usual. As they ripped open the envelopes and tipped out the contents, out rolled two pins each. The first that caught their eye was almost identical for each of them, except it was in their respective house colors. However, the beautiful silver "P"'s in the middle were identical... and unmistakable. For years, they had seen Bill wearing one and dreamed of having their own some day. And finally, the time had come!

They were Prefect badges! Veronica and Charlie had been chosen to be one of the two new fifth-year prefects for their houses, and they couldn't be more thrilled. While Charlie was most excited about having access to the Prefects' bathroom on the fifth floor, Veronica looked forward to mentoring and guiding all the new first-years, but especially the muggleborns. She remembered how overwhelming it had been to find out about magic, and she wanted to help others that were in the same position. She hoped the Ravenclaw Head Boy and Girl would make welcoming the first-years one of her tasks.

Amidst the excitement of receiving their Prefect badges, the two had almost forgotten that a second pair of pins had been included with their letters. However, once they had turned them over and examined them, shrieks of joy and laughter filled the burrow as they jumped around the living room. They had both been chosen as the Captains of their Quidditch teams! Veronica couldn't believe it. She had truly believed Reggie would be chosen as the Ravenclaw Captain. He was older, wiser and much better at Quidditch than she was, even though he wouldn't admit it.

"Game on, Ronnie! You're going down!" Charlie pulled her into his chest, but that didn't distract her from the weight that had suddenly fallen on her shoulders.


"Ravenclaw first-years, gather around me!" Veronica beamed at them as she watched their little eyes taking it all in. They reminded her of herself and Charlie when they were first-years not too long ago. "I'm Veronica! And I'm a fifth-year Prefect. You'll learn all about the House Prefects during your time at Hogwarts, but all you need to know for now is that I am someone you can come to if you have a question, need help with something, or just want someone to talk to. You can come to me if you need anything, and I'll do my best to help you. Now, follow me! I'll show you how to get to Ravenclaw Tower! And while we're walking, can anyone tell me what appears once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?"

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