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As Veronica sat in the changing room with her team, she wrung her hands and thought about the last month leading up to this first Quidditch match against Gryffindor.

After she got out of the hospital wing, Veronica learned that Dumbledore had given Archie and his posse detention for the rest of the school year, but Charlie thought they should have been expelled. Veronica couldn't help but agree, though she would never admit it. While she was glad that they had been punished, she had known from the start that it would make things worse. They would make her life miserable.

This led Veronica to take many precautionary measures. She and Charlie were more inseparable than ever, and they both carried their wands with them everywhere they went. Whenever they had to be apart, Veronica had her wand in her hand the entire time, and she had learned a disillusionment charm which helped her blend into her surroundings like a chameleon. This allowed her to sit by the Black Lake without anyone seeing her. Although, this may not have been entirely needed as the giant squid was always nearby, keeping a watchful eye on her as she lounged on the shore. Even when she had the disillusionment charm up and it couldn't see her, it could feel her there and that aura that Kettleburn told her about, which she knew was the reason it had saved and protected her from Archie that day, kept the squid coming back to the surface whenever she was near. She was glad that the incident hadn't ruined this place for her; she still felt safe and happy there.

She had also been given permission by Professor Snape to take out a book about wandless and nonverbal magic from the Restricted Section of the library, although she was sure Madam Pince would have let her take the book out without a permission slip. According to this book and all her professors, only the most powerful witches and wizards could perform wandless and nonverbal magic. But Veronica was confident that with enough practice, she would be able to do it. She knew that she would need to master wandless magic and non-verbal magic separately before attempting to put the two together, but that was all she needed. To be able to defend herself without her wand; it didn't matter if she needed to vocalize the incantation out loud. She had been practicing everyday for the last month, and she could now perform the most basic of spells without needing her wand. She was extremely proud of herself, and so were all her professors. It wouldn't be long before she could perform defensive spells as well.

Over the last month, Veronica had also gotten back into Quidditch practice, and had quickly become a formidable Beater. But that didn't calm the nerves flowing through her as she sat in the changing room. While she was confident in her abilities, she was nervous about going up against Charlie. She knew she would have to separate her friendship from the game, especially since Charlie was the Gryffindor Seeker, and everyone knew that it was strategic for Beaters to aim for the Seeker and try to take them out. HOWEVER, this was much easier said than done. Which was why she had strategized with Reggie, and they agreed that it would be better for him to aim for Charlie, and Veronica would take care of the rest of the team. This made her feel a little better, but not much. She didn't want to see Charlie getting hurt, and she knew Reggie wouldn't hold back.

Speaking of Charlie, they had both been very busy with Quidditch practice over the last month, but they made sure to make time for each other regardless of their crazy schedules. They still ate all their meals together, walked to and from classes together, and spent all their free time together. Their friendship was stronger than ever, and she couldn't be happier.

Veronica was pulled from her thoughts by Emily crouching down in front of her. Grabbing her hands to stop her from irritating the skin on her knuckles, Emily looked in her eyes. "Stop it, Ron. You're an excellent Beater; don't overthink it, and just go with your instincts. They're always right. I don't know how, but they are." Emily beamed as she managed to pull a chuckle out of Veronica. "Alright? And forget about Weasley. Leave him to Reggie like we planned, and focus on the others. You got this."

Veronica stood and pulled Emily to her feet before pulling her into a hug and holding her tight. "Thanks, Em. I needed that."

"I know! You looked like shit." Emily grinned at the incredulous look on Veronica's face. "Now come on, I need to address the team." Emily chuckled as Veronica shook her head, allowing Emily to pull her by the hand to the middle of the changing room and throw her arm over her shoulders. "Let's go, team! Gather round please. I know you're all anxious for the first game of the season, and for most of you, your first game ever. But I want you all to know that I believe in every single one of you, and I know how hard you've all practiced. So go out there and do your best. And most importantly, have fun!"

And with that, they grabbed their brooms and made their way onto the pitch.

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