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By the time the train had arrived at Hogsmeade station, Veronica knew all about Quidditch, and she knew she wanted nothing to do with it. She was never into sports, and this one seemed way too dangerous. She also learned all about Charlie's family when Bill rejoined them. Together, they told her about their five siblings and their parents. Although it sounded like it could get chaotic in their house sometimes, Veronica would trade lives with them in a heartbeat. She wished she could have had even one sibling; someone she could talk to and keep her company at home.

As they got off the train, Veronica could see Hagrid near the front calling over all first-years. Bill said goodbye and wished them both good luck at the sorting ceremony before catching up with his friends. Hagrid beamed as he noticed Veronica approaching him with Charlie Weasley on her heels.

"I see you took my advice, eh?"

Veronica felt heat rise to her cheeks as she looked away. "Yes, I suppose I did."

"What advice?" Charlie whispered as Hagrid turned his attention to calling over the rest of the first-years.

Veronica simply shook her head. "Nothing."

Before Charlie could prod, Hagrid instructed them all to follow him as he made his way over to a lake with more than a dozen boats sitting on the water.

"Two to a boat, first-years. Come on, you don't want to be late to the sorting ceremony, now, do ya?"

Quickly, they all began loading onto the boats. Charlie and Veronica approached an empty one, and Charlie almost ran into her when she stopped abruptly at the edge of the dock. Sensing there was something wrong, he stepped around her and came to stand beside her. The look on her face made Charlie's heart ache; she was terrified.

"What's the matter, Veronica? Are you afraid of water?"

Veronica's eyes were wide when she turned to look at him, silently nodding.

"Okay, don't worry. Let me go first." Charlie easily made his way onto the boat and turned to her, reaching out his hand. "Come on, I got you. I won't let you fall."

Veronica cautiously placed her hand into Charlie's but made the mistake of looking at the water below her. She quickly pulled her hand away and stepped away from the edge, shaking her head with her eyes closed. "I can't do it, Charlie. I can't do it, I can't, I-"

"Veronica, hey. Take a deep breath." Veronica did as he said. "Can you open your eyes for me, please?" Again, Veronica listened. "Great. Now, just look at me, okay? Don't look anywhere else, just keep your eyes on me." Veronica locked eyes with Charlie as she tried to block out her negative thoughts. "Good, now give me your hand... That's it, you're doing great Veronica. Now step down into the boat, but keep your eyes on me. It's going to rock a little when you step in, but you're going to be fine. I promise I won't let anything happen to you."

Once Veronica was safely in the boat, she threw her arms around Charlie's shoulders and hugged him tight, hiding her face in his neck. "That was so scary..." she whispered. "Thanks for your help, Charlie."

It was Charlie's turn to blush. "Anytime."

Once they were seated, the boats slowly began floating along the water towards the castle, and both their jaws dropped. "Wow," they exclaimed simultaneously.

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