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Charlie was fast asleep, sprawled out on the bench across from Veronica in their compartment on the Hogwarts Express. Bill had gone to see his friends not long ago, and Charlie had laid down for a quick nap. Veronica had taken advantage of a very rare moment to herself and pulled out a book. She had been meaning to read "Quidditch Through the Ages" since Charlie got it for her for her birthday, but she hadn't gotten around to it as she was kept very busy this summer. She had barely had enough time to read through her second-year textbooks; she had to stay up late into the night reading them because the Weasleys kept her busy throughout the day. Plus, despite constant reassurance from Charlie, she really wasn't sure she would enjoy it. There had never been a book she didn't enjoy, but she wasn't a fan of Quidditch, and while Charlie thought this book would change that, she wasn't so easily convinced. However, she wanted to give it a chance for him, and she especially didn't want him to have wasted his money. So, reluctantly, she began to read.

When Charlie awoke an hour later, he found her flipping to the last page with a bright-eyed gaze. Charlie knew better than to interrupt her when she was reading, so he patiently waited for her to finish. The look on her face as she closed the book excited him, but he didn't want to get his hopes up, choosing instead to simply wait for her to say something.

A few minutes of silence passed between them before Veronica looked up at him. "Wow" was all she managed to say before he bombarded her with questions, no longer able to contain himself.

"So, how was it? Did you like it? What do you think? It's an interesting book, isn't it? I bet you learned a lot that you didn't know, huh? Do you have more of an appreciation for Quidditch now? Are you more interested in it now? Would you want to play? Don't you think you would be a wicked Seeker?"

Veronica couldn't help but chuckle at his barrage of questions, but one in particular had stuck out to her. 'Don't you think you would be a wicked Seeker?' Charlie had mentioned many times that Veronica should be a Seeker. He had said that her fast, cat-like reflexes and perfect eyesight would make her perfect for the position. 'You're also tiny and light, which would help you zoom across the pitch easily. Not to mention you're the best flier I've ever known. You're better than anyone in our year, and most of us have been flying from before we could even walk. You're better than me, and that's saying something!' Now that she knew more about each position, she understood why he thought she would be a great Seeker.

"Why would you want me to be a Seeker? They're the most likely to get hurt and players always try to get them out of the game first. What kind of friend are you?"

Charlie gaped at her in amazement. This was the first time she had ever given an opinion or really ever spoken about Quidditch. This gift was the best idea he had ever had. "I know, but they also get the most glory! Besides, you'd be able to avoid anything that comes your way, you're wicked on a broom."

"Charlie! You know how many fouls there are in this bloody game, I could get really hurt! Besides, I don't want to be a Seeker."

Were Charlie's ears deceiving him or was Veronica actually considering playing Quidditch, a sport that she had despised an hour ago? "Okay, then what do you want to be?"

"A Beater..."

Charlie was surprised. That was honestly the last thing he expected her to say, although now that she mentioned it, he could see her being a great Beater. It was just surprising that she had chosen the most violent and rough position, especially after she had complained numerous times that she didn't like how dangerous of a sport it was. Although it could definitely help her get out some of that pent up anger and frustration that she had. "A Beater? Really? Why?"

"Honestly, it's probably not a great reason, but Kennilworthy Whisp mentioned in the Beater section of chapter six that because it needs a lot of physical strength, Beaters have usually been played by guys..."

Charlie smiled slyly and nodded, realization hitting him immediately. "Of course! And my best friend, being the feminist she is, could not stand that. You want to show everyone that girls can play Beater just as well, if not better, than any guys can, don't you?"

Veronica's cheeks turned the color of Charlie's hair as she averted her eyes, nodding imperceptibly as she glanced out the window.

"Hey, come on Ronnie, I'm only teasing," he said softly as he gently nudged her foot with his to get her to look at him. When she did, he beamed at her. "I think you would be a bloody fantastic Beater. You're already pretty strong, but with all that Beater training you'll be doing, you'll be unstoppable! Besides, Beater's also have to be great fliers, flying with one hand or even no hands sometimes. You'll be great, Ron. I'm just so happy that you're even considering playing Quidditch. I was starting to lose all hope."

Veronica chuckled as she covered her face with her hands. "I know, me too. But getting to see how quidditch has evolved over the centuries since it was first created and the steps taken to make it as safe as possible... it has shone a whole new light on it and it actually seems like it'd be fun to play."

Charlie squealed as he sprung up and jumped on her, pulling her into a bone-crushing hug. "I'm so excited!"

Veronica tried to catch her breath, but she couldn't stop laughing long enough. Both their heads jerked towards the compartment door when they heard someone clear their throat. Veronica didn't need to look to know who it was, which was good because she couldn't see through the tears anyway. Charlie let her go and moved back to his seat, and Veronica used the sleeve of her sweater to wipe her eyes as Bill sat next to his brother.

"What are you two laughing so hard about?"

"Veronica wants to play Beater for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team!"

"What!?! No way, since when!?!"

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