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"Here I am! Sorry I'm late, Quidditch practice took longer than I had expected."

As Veronica opened her eyes, she watched as Charlie came jogging down the path towards her. She had arrived early that morning to feed Squish and spend some time lounging in the sun before Charlie arrived, but it hadn't taken long for her to fall asleep wrapped up in one of Squish's giant tentacles. The Giant Squid slowly unwrapped itself from around her and she stood, giving Charlie a quick hug as he approached her, and they sat beneath their tree. "How did the tryouts go?"

"Pretty great actually. We have quite a few impressive candidates to choose from."

"Nice! That's good because you're going to need all the help you can get beating Ravenclaw this year." Veronica chuckled as Charlie glared at her.

"You're lucky I need your help with all these NEWT-level classes, otherwise we'd be dueling to the death right now." The corners of Veronica's eyes crinkled as she laughed, and Charlie couldn't help but smile. He loved the way her eyes nearly disappeared; they were tiny on a good day, but when she smiled or laughed, they had no hope of being seen. It was one of the many things that made Veronica Veronica, and he loved it.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know you love me."

Charlie wished she knew just how true her statement was, but he still wasn't ready to tell her, so he quickly changed the subject. "How did your tryouts go last night? Which positions are you trying to fill again?"

"Tryouts were okay. I need a Beater to replace Reggie and a Seeker to replace Maribelle, which are some very large shoes to fill for anyone. I think I've narrowed it down to two candidates per position, but no matter who I choose, they're going to need a lot of help before they'll be ready to play in an actual game. I really need our team to be solid this year because there is no way I'm losing to Gryffindor three damn years in a row!"

"You know, Ronnie, I really don't know how you have time to even breathe with all the things you have on your plate. I'm not even taking half the number of NEWT classes you are and I'm struggling to keep up with the course load on top of doing Quidditch stuff. And I have so many free periods!"

Veronica shrugged. "What you're forgetting is that I was reading these textbooks for fun in fourth year after I ran out of things to read, so none of the things we're learning are new to me. I've had years to study them and practice them and ask the professors questions about them."

"Merlin, I always forget what a nerd you are." Charlie chuckled as Veronica shoved his shoulder and glared at him. "No, but seriously Ron, I need you to help me with Golpalott's Third Law. I really have no clue what it's talking about."

"Oh yeah, that's definitely a tricky one. But basically, it means that when a blended poison is created, the antidote isn't just a mix of all the antidotes for the individual poisons found in the blend. You have to find the one ingredient that will chemically change the mixture into a whole new antidote for the blended poison..."

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