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"Athena? What have you got there, sweet girl?" Veronica made her way over to the windowsill and took two letters out of the owl's beak. They were addressed to her and Charlie, and she had a feeling she knew what they were. It was much too early for the annual letters from Hogwarts, yet they carried the Hogwarts seal, so this could only mean one thing. "Charlie!" Rushing over to the bottom of the stairs, Veronica called out to him again. "Charlie! Come quick!"

Soon enough, Charlie came bolting down the stairs with only a towel wrapped around his waist and shampoo still in his hair. "What!?! What is it? What's wrong?"

Veronica's jaw dropped and her face turned bright red as she turned away, making Charlie smirk. "I'm sorry! I didn't know you were in the shower! It's not that urgent. Go finish and then come down."

"Well, now you have to at least tell me what it's about. The way you were yelling for me... it sure sounded urgent."

"I know. Sorry. I just got excited. We got letters from Hogwarts, and I think it's our O.W.L results."

Charlie's eyes widened. "Merlin's beard! Okay, I'm just going to rinse my hair and I'll be right down."

Veronica nodded without turning around and quickly made her way over to the sitting room. Minutes later, Charlie joined her, and they both stared at their envelopes. Veronica's hands shook as she opened hers first. She had done her best to keep up with her studies while she was in the Hospital Wing, but it had been difficult in her condition, so once she had gotten out, she had spent all her free time in the library and with her professors trying to catch up on everything she had missed while she was away. By the time the O.W.L exams had come along, she had felt confident, but at that present moment, she felt nothing but fear. Her smarts defined her; she was nothing without them. What would she do if she had failed? She would be devastated to receive anything less than twelve perfect Os, so when she opened her letter and saw she had achieved just that, she couldn't stop the tears from running down her face.

"What? What is it, Ronnie? It can't be that bad. I mean, if you did bad, I don't even want to open mine."

"No, no... it's great!" Veronica's voice cracked as she chuckled through her tears and handed Charlie her results.

Beaming, he pulled her into his chest and hugged her tight. "I'm so proud of you! But honestly, did you really expect anything different?"

Veronica's eyes widened. "Of course I did. I missed so many lessons, and I know I tried to make up for it, but I was still worried that it wasn't enough."

"Well, no need to worry anymore. Besides, you could miss every lesson in the whole year and still do great."

Veronica pushed his shoulder gently as she chuckled. "I don't think that's true, but thanks for the vote of confidence, Charlie. Now, it's your turn."

"Oh, right." Charlie quickly opened his envelope and was happy with his results. He hadn't done as brilliantly as Veronica, but it was good enough for him. He hadn't gotten anything less than Exceeds Expectations, and he had gotten an Outstanding in Care of Magical Creatures, which would allow him to continue his studies in Magizoology and eventually become a Dragonologist. Veronica was the only one that knew of this dream of his, and he loved how encouraging she was. He knew she would support him through anything.

"What's going on in here? You two okay?" Molly had a huge grin on her face. She had just come in from the garden to see the pair buzzing with excitement. Once they had shown her their letters, she pulled them both into bear hugs and congratulated them, promising to make something special for dinner to celebrate.

That night, the house was filled with joy and laughter, and Veronica was reminded of how lucky she was to have these people in her life. They were her family; they were her home.

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