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"I can't believe this is our last year at Hogwarts! We're going to be graduating soon and going out into the wizarding world and finding jobs and being adults. This is crazy!" Veronica beamed as she jumped in her seat and gazed out the compartment window.

As Charlie sat across from her, he wondered for the millionth time how she was a Beater. Off the pitch, Veronica was the sweetest person he had ever known. Of course she could stand up for herself when she needed to, as she had done so many times with Archie, but for the most part, she was bubbly and outgoing and the most caring and sweet person ever. But on the pitch, she was a completely different person. On the pitch, she was ruthless, even with him, and he absolutely loved it. He loved her, more than anything, he just wished he had the guts to tell her.

"I'm going to take a walk through the train and see if I can spot Art. I want to yell at him for not writing to me this summer. I haven't heard from him since my birthday, and that was a month ago."

Charlie nodded before turning his eyes back to the book in his lap. He was reading the dragon book Veronica had bought him for Christmas in fifth year for about the millionth time. He had read it so many times that the cover was now dull and peeling, but he loved it just as much as he did on day one. He had memorized every word, but he still enjoyed watching the dragons in the photos walking around and grazing. It made him feel like he was a real dragonologist, observing their patterns and behaviors up close and jotting down his notes in the columns. It gave him hope for a future where he would actually get to observe and work with dragons for real, but for now, he would settle for this.

Tearing her eyes away from him, Veronica chuckled as she made her way out of their compartment and into the corridor. She could hear muffled chatter coming from the other compartments in the car, and began to make her way up the train and through each car, briefly glancing into the tiny window of each compartment hoping to find him without imposing on other students' privacy too much. She had only made it halfway through the train before running into Felix who seemed to be doing the same thing she was.

"Hey Veronica, you wouldn't happen to have seen Art anywhere, would you?"

"What? He's not with you?"

Felix shook his head but didn't elaborate.

"Well, I haven't seen him, but I've been looking for him too. Did you start at the front of the train? I started from the back and haven't seen him anywhere." Veronica scratched her head and furrowed her brows as she turned to look the way she had come. "Unless I just missed him?"

Felix shrugged in an attempt to be nonchalant, but there was something in his eyes that she couldn't quite place. "Maybe. I started from the front and haven't seen him either, but I might have just missed him too."

"Alright, don't worry. I'm sure he's here somewhere. Let's look again together." Despite trying to convince Felix, Veronica didn't believe her own words. If Art was on this train, he would be looking for Felix too. But even with these thoughts in her mind, Veronica refused to scare the boy, so they began their search.

For a half hour, the two walked up and down the train a few times, but to no avail. As Veronica expected, Art was nowhere to be found. By the time they reached the front of the train for the 3rd time, Veronica could feel the worry radiating off Felix in waves. "Look, don't worry. I'm sure he's fine, and there's probably a good explanation as to why he isn't here. I'm sure he'll tell us all about it when we see him at Hogwarts, and we'll all have a good laugh about it." Veronica hoped to brighten his spirits, but she could tell it wasn't working. "Hey, do you want to come sit with me and Charlie in our compartment? We can keep you company until we get to Hogwarts, it shouldn't be too long now."

Felix just shook his head. "That's alright, Veronica. I'll see you in the Great Hall." The look in his eyes was back, but Veronica still couldn't figure it out for the life of her. She didn't have time to ask him about it before he entered his compartment and shut the door. With that, she made her way back to Charlie. "So, what'd he say?"

"I couldn't find him."


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