Recombinant 016 (Various)

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Recombinant 016
Pairing: Fade x Neon

White walls, white floor, white everything. The room was as plain and boring as it could be, unless, of course, anyone found the one-way glass on one of the walls any close to being considered interesting. There was a bed mounted on one side, sheets and pillow as bland as the color scheme of the entire space. Other than that, there was no other object on the premises.

At the center of it all, there was a small, scrawny boy, probably around five years old, sitting on the floor peacefully as he stared blankly at a wall. He didn't pay any attention even when a tray of food was slipped through the small hatch, barely coming close to him.

Unlike the usual children, this one looked half-malformed. Everything on the right side was normal, though. Bleach blonde hair, cool ice blue eye, seemingly unmarred skin, jaw relatively sharp and defined, physical traits that would be no stranger to any human at all.

What made the child vastly different was the left half of his entire self. The pale skin seemed to fade into something akin to charcoal-like color, one littered with vein-like cracks of ominous blue. It's like death took on the color of black and infected the young boy, crawling and consuming half of his entirety.

As for his other eye, there was no eye. There was only the same haunting blue hue, due to the absence of an actual pupil or iris making it seem as if the socket was hollow. Not a single strand of hair could be found on the other half of his head, which bore the aforementioned blue crack-like pattern as well.

Despite his skin's arcane appearance, one of the biggest things that stood out from him was his lone human eye. It looked immensely cloudy, resembling the common feature of those who suffered blindness.

"Eat." came a man's voice through the speaker hooked at one corner of the room. "Now."

Rather than standing up and heading to where the tray was, the boy reached forward, hands feeling across the floor as he started to crawl to where he last heard the hatch opening and closing. Much to his misfortune, he missed his target in the slightest bit, causing himself to bump his head on the wall.

The child gasped and fell back on his butt, moving both of his palms over the spot that crashed against the wall. Voice scratchy and fairly hoarse, he mumbled, "My head..."

"For God's sake..." The man from the other side of the mirror sounded utterly annoyed, followed by the incoherent voice of another man and woman at the background. After a brief moment of debate from the unnamed trio, the first one spoke up once again. "Here."

All of a sudden, every light in the room was shut off, leaving the red dot of the camera recording from another corner of the room being the only source of light within the space. Rather than be spooked by the lack of lighting, the boy seemed to adjust well to his surroundings.

Once he opened his eyes again, one was still hollow-looking, while the other now showed a more vibrant blue. Gone was the light and murky look it had. The darkness didn't blind him, it gave him vision.

With confidence that was originally nonexistent, the boy stood up on two stable feet and walked the rest of the tiny distance between him and the food tray. He collected the wrapped sandwich and small bottled water, bringing it towards the bed right across the room. He didn't stumble, nor did his gaze waver from its focus on the bed itself.

From the neighbouring room, the three scientists watched as the child climbed onto the bed, where he started eating the meal provided. One of the men gave a nod to the glass as he said, "I told you two, didn't I? The boy is one with the darkness. It is his domain."

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