Chapter 1

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                                Anabelle's POV
Hey! I'm Anabelle Moon. I'm 16. My middle name is "Faith" some people call me that sometimes. I live with my parents. I'm an only child. I don't have any friends. I had some but, one day they started hating me. I didn't want to go out with them. They always wanted to go party. They got fake IDs. That makes me uncomfortable. All of it does. They were once sweet, innocent, and caring.

Now they get into trouble. They get suspended. The cops come with their dogs to search the school sometimes. They ALWAYS get caught. They vape in the bathrooms every day. Whenever I walk in, I smell it. Now I can do the right thing and let the principal know. But...I'm scared to do that so I stay silent.

I'm not a troublemaker. I never was and I never want to be. I'm not that type of person. I think, it's best for me to stay silent. Keeping to myself, isn't the best thing but, it seemed safer for me. It's not. I get bullied a lot. This one guy, Paul Jake, he harasses me everyday. He sits next to me in every class. He flirts with me none stop. I'm honestly terrified of him.

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