Chapter 8

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                                Holt's POV
"Where's my mom?"

"Uh she's giving us alone time for some reason."

"She is?"

"Yeah. Do you want me to get her?"


I walked over to Tracey.

"She's asking for you."

"I have to make a few phone calls. I gotta find a divorce lawyer."

"You're gonna divorce him?"

"He just beat the hell outta our daughter. Of course, I'm divorcing him. How is she?"

"She's alive so that's a good thing. She's more worried about how many black eyes she has. You're okay that I'm here?"

"Yeah. You're her friend. I'll be back in a bit."

She took her phone out of her bag and started walking away. I walked back into the room.

"She's uh...making a few phone calls. Do you want to sit up?"

"Yeah. I don't want to stare at the ceiling all day."

I found a nurse to fix the bed. I sat at the end of the bed.

"How long was I out?"

"A few hours. They think, you have a concussion."

"I sure as hell, feel like it."

"Are you dizzy?"

"Eh. My head is pounding."

"I bet. You're gonna be here for like a week or two."

"Damnit. I hate hospital food."

I chuckled.

"I'll smuggle something in for you tomorrow then."

"You're gonna come back tomorrow?"

"Yeah. You're not expecting me to?"

"Honestly? No. I'm not. I'm sorry that might sound rude but...I didn't'd even show up here."

"You thought...your dad beating the shit outta you, would chase me away? Come on. Do you not know, how many times, I've been suspended for decking someone?"

"No I actually don't. You do?"

"Hmmm. About...15 times."

"Good luck getting into college with that on your reputation."

"You honestly dumbass is going to college?"

"Well...I don't know that much about you."

I started telling her about me.

"So that's why you don't like girls getting picked on?"

"Yeah. My sister was getting harassed like you were. My mom sent her to live with our aunt."

"When's the last time you saw her?"

"Damn. Maybe....4 years?"

"Shit. That must suck."

"Yeah. It does. you think, you're gonna be okay?"

"No. Would you be okay if, your dad knocked you out?"

"Good point."

"How'd you get here?"

"Uh I have a car?"

"I know. I didn't know if, my mom drove you."

"Oh. Is there anything you're gonna miss about hell, I mean school?"

"Probably seeing you."

"Damn. You're gonna miss seeing, the asshole that is me?"

"Is that wrong?"

I shrugged.

"What does that mean?"

"I'll miss seeing you too."

My phone went off. I took it out of my pocket.

Mom: It's getting late. Come home.

"Fuck. I gotta go. My mom is telling me to come home."

I got off the bed.

"Think about what contraband I'm sneaking in tomorrow."

I walked up to her and kissed her.

"Bye Ani."

"That's a cute nickname."

"Y-you actually like it?"

"Yeah. It's new."

"Take it easy alright? Don't over do it."

I started walking away.

"Oh Curran?"


"Please don't get arrested. I like seeing you."

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