Chapter 25

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Anabelle's POV
"I know but...I wanna be with you."

"You should go spend time with them though."

"I can't go."


"I won't be allowed back in here."

"Says who?"


"Do you want me to talk to her?"

I shook my head.

"It doesn't matter. She won't listen. I know she won't. She said, when I leave, I'm not allowed back so...I can't leave."

"Ew. She's still here?"

I covered my face with the blanket.

"What is wrong with you? Shouldn't you be happy for me?"

"If she was your age then...yeah."

"Get the fuck out. Don't come back."

"I'm your sister! You can't do that!"

"It's my hospital room. I can tell them, who I want to see and who I don't. You're someone I DON'T want to see."

Holy ripped the blanket off me and dragged me out of the bed. She backed me into a corner.

"Who do you think you are, taking my brother away from me?!"

"Get away from her!"

"Lay back down! You should be resting!"

Holt's hands balled into fists.

"Get away! She's done nothing to you!"

Holy took something out of her pocket.

"Get away from her!"

Holt pushed her away from me. He got in front of me.

"Get out!" He said through his teeth.

"She's allowed to come see me here whenever she wants!"

"What's going on in here?"

"She won't leave Ani alone!"

Security came and forced me and Holy to leave. She started laughing.

"Told you, I'd win."

Holt ran out of the room and started hugging me with his good arm.

"You're okay. She's not winning this. I swear she won't. You'll be allowed to come back. I swear. I love you. I've got this."

"I love you too." I said as my voice cracked.

"I don't want to leave!"

"I know. I don't want you to leave either." He said as his voice cracked. We both started crying. He started hugging me tighter.

"I really don't want to let you go."

"Then don't. Don't."

I felt someone pulling me away. I was dragged away from Holt. Holt's mom Keira drove me home.

"I-I'm so sorry Ana. You'll be able to see him again. I'll make sure of it."

"Than-thank you."

I walked into my room and ran up to my mom. I started hugging her. I started explaining.

"She got you kicked out? What the fuck? I'll take you back later. Are you going to choir bonding?"

"I-I guess. He said I should go. It won't make me feel better probably."

I walked to my room with my head down. I took a shower then started getting ready. I looked at myself in the mirror.

I look like a mess.

My phone went off and I picked it up.

Holt: I'm so sorry but it's gonna take a while to convince them to let you back. I'm so fucking sorry Ani! I'm doing everything I can. I swear I am!

I started crying again. My mom drove me to the restaurant we were all meeting at. I found everyone and sat down at the table. I sat next to Sabrina.

"What's wrong?"

"His sister got me kicked out of the hospital."

"Are you allowed back in?"

"I don't know. I was gonna see him later but...I'm scared to go back."

I faked being okay. I got Holt something to eat so, he didn't have to have hospital food for dinner. My mom brought me back to the hospital. We walked in and went to his room. Holy was in the room with him. I dropped the bag of food. She saw me and started laughing.

Holt saw me and ran out of the room. He cupped my face.

"I'm trying! I-I promise, I-I'm trying!"

I started hugging him. He started holding me tight.

"It's okay. It's fine. Don't worry about it." I said as my voice cracked.

"No no. I-I'm gonna fix this."

I picked up the bag.

"I got you dinner. I-I didn't want you to eat shitty food."

My mom went to talk to Kiera.

"I'm so sorry. I-I'm trying. She's making it impossible."

"It's fine. Don't worry."

"Baby it's not fine. I'm gonna worry."

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