Chapter 35

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Anabelle's POV
He promised, he'd be home.

He does have until tomorrow.

First my dad gets arrested.

Then my parents get divorced.

Now my boyfriend, broke his promise.

I can't win this year.

"Cheer up. It's Christmas Eve."

"That's easier said than done, Callie."

"You're seriously upset, over a boy?"

"You don't understand."

An hour later, I felt arms going around my waist and a chin on my head.

"Told you, I'd make it back."


I spun around. I started hugging him.

"You made it!"

"I'm sorry, it took forever. Finding a way home, was a pain in the ass."

"No no. It's okay."

I started crying. He started cradling my head.

"Aw baby."

"I missed you!"

He started rubbing my back.

"I missed you too."

He started wiping my tears away.

"You're okay."

"I'm so happy right now."

He smiled.

"I'm glad."

After I calmed down, I introduced everyone.

"So you're the one, she's been waiting to see?"

"Yeah. That's me. Oh, me and my dad are actually good now."


"Yeah. He's moving back here. Mainly because of my sister. She uh....saw what Eric did."

"Oh no."

"She's scared to live there."

"Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah. I'm good. Are you doing anything tomorrow? We could do that night light drive if you want."


"Yeah. I did promise, we'd do that."


Holt drove me back to to his house. He started kissing me.

"My mom's not home."

"Where is she?"

"At a party with her friends. I made her bring me here then, I came to you."

He started kissing my neck.

"How long will she be gone for?"

"Possibly all night. Depends on if, she drinks."

"Is she, normally a drinker?"


"Do I have clothes here still?"


"Race ya to your room then!"

I pushed him out of the way and started running.


I started laughing. I ran into his room. He grabbed me and threw me up against the wall.

"Got ya."

"Doesn't matter. I won."

He clenched his jaw.

"Damn. That pissed you off?"

He went after my neck again.

"That answers that question."

He started pressing himself against me.

"Damn. You're committed."

"Please just shut the hell up and take off your clothes."

"Okay. Okay. Alright. Holy shit."

He didn't let me take off my clothes. He started ripping them off.

"You are so fucking lucky, I hated this shirt. I did kinda like that skirt."

"Fuck off. I'll buy you a new one."

He picked me up and brought me to his bed. He laid me down. He went in and started moving. He started kissing my chest.

"You really missed me huh?"

"Hell yes. I've been so fucking miserable."

"You've just missed, seeing me naked."

"Uh no. That's actually not what this is. I've just really missed you."

"Did you at least, have a bit of fun?"

"Nope. Spent most of them time, in the hospital or in a police station. And for once, I didn't do anything."

"You didn't punch anyone?"


"Okay who are you and what have you done with my Holt?"

"Oh ha ha. Very funny Ana. Talking to you just on the phone, makes me miss you more."

"Aw. You're adorable "

I kissed him.

"Hospital food still sucks. It looked like, shit you get in jail."

"And how do you know that?"

"Uhhh TV."


"Okay okay. I hate talking about it. I prefer to hide it. Especially from you."

"I'm not gonna leave you. Was it a mistake?"

"Yeah. I beat the shit outta the guy that, assaulted Holy. The charges got dropped once, his parents found out."

I started kissing his neck. When we were done, we got dressed then went downstairs. We laid down on the chaise part of the couch. We started watching TV. We watched a few movies.

"I like the music in this. Wait stop, no one knows who he is now?!"

Holt chuckled.

"Okay now, I'm sad. He can't win. Poor boy. I was like that a few times. One time, was obviously when, I started the new school."

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