Chapter 29

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                             Anabelle's POV
"How are you pain wise?"

"I'm dying. I regret speeding up. I-I really do."

"Okay. We'll go back to being slow."

"I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You thought, you were ready. It's fine."

I finished eating then moved the table away.

"How come, you don't seem like, you're not in pain?"

"They gave me pain meds before you got here. They're starting to wear off though. I'll be in extreme pain soon."

I was right. My pain meds wore off. I curled up into a ball. Holt started rubbing my back. I fell asleep after they gave me more pain meds. When I was discharged from the hospital, Holt drove me home. I fell asleep on the way home. I woke up in my room. I roll over. Holt was laying with me again. I shut my eyes and went back to sleep. I woke up when, I heard talking.

"How long has she been sleeping?"

"About 4 hours? I'm not sure. I fell asleep for a bit too."

"How is she?"

"Tired. She's not in pain anymore."

"That's good."

I stood up and walked out of my room. I saw Holt talking to my mom.


"Hey Ana."

"How do you feel?"

I shrugged.

"I'm gonna go shower. I'll be back."

I walked back into my room and grabbed clean clothes. I walked into my bathroom. I put my clothes down then started the water in the shower. It didn't take long to warm up. I took off my clothes then put them in my hamper. I walked into the shower then shut the door. I got in the water and watched dirt flow down my body.

How much dirt was on me?

I started washing my hair.


I should wait to have kids.


I should.

Seeing those kids in the park....

It makes me want one.


Is Curran gonna want one with me?

Anabelle you're putting too much thought into this.

You're 16.

You don't need a baby right now.


When I was done with my shower, I got dressed. I walked into my room and saw Holt sitting on my bed. He was on his phone. I started walking over to him. I laid down and put my head on his leg.

"You okay?"

I shook my head. He put his hand on my cheek. He started rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

"Wanna go get your nuggets later?"

I yawned.

"You'll take me?"

"Yeah. You haven't had them in a while."


"How come, you're still tired?"

"That's a question that I do not have the answer to."

"Ah. It's one of those. How was your shower?"

"Not relaxing. I kept watching all the dirt go down the drain."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I'll be fine."

I pulled the blanket up to my chin.

"Don't let me sleep long mister."

He chuckled.

"Alright. I won't. Don't blame me if, I fall asleep."

"Nope. I'm definitely blaming you."

"You're an asshole."

"I know. You love me anyway."

"Yeah yeah. You're right."

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