Chapter 31

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Holt's POV
"I don't know why. He just..wants me to go to him."

"I can go with you."

"No. I'm not gonna let you."

"Huh? Why?"

"You've missed enough school. I can't ask you to, miss more."

"Holty...I wanna go there with you. What if, you need me?"

"I can always call or text you."

"Why can't I go with you?"

"I can't trust them right anyway. I trusted my sister and I almost lost you."

"Baby you gotta stop putting me first."

"No. I have to for this. Plus...your music thing is next week. You can't miss that."

"Damn you. You had to pull that card on me?"

"Please just let me do this one thing."

"Alright. Alright. Do you even know, where you're going?"


"He didn't tell you?"

I shook my head.

"I won't know until, next week."

"'ll be back for Christmas right?"

"I hope."

" said...we could drive around to look at the lights."

"I know. And I mean that."

"Wh-what if...your flight gets cancelled or delayed and y-you can't get back? I-if you get stuck...I'd have no one to do anything with."

"What does that mean? You have your family. You have your friends."

"I know but...but that's different."

"You're gonna make, leaving you, fuckin impossible."

"Then don't go. Please don't go."

She made getting on that plane, torture. Absolute torture. When I got off the plane, I had no clue who to look for.

Why am I doing this?

Oh god.

I feel like shit for leaving.

A girl ran up to me.


"Uh hi?"

"Are you Holt?"

"Uhhh who are you?"

"I'm Charlize! I'm your sister!"

"Hi? Nice to meet you?"

"I like your ring!"

"Thank you?"

She grabbed my hands.

"Come on! Daddy's over here!"

"Uh okay?"

She led me over to two guys.

"Daddy! I found him! I found him!"

"Woah son. You're tall."

"Why was that the, first thing to said to me after what? 13 years?"

"Don't be mean to daddy!"

"Look Charlize. I'm not being mean. I'm just asking a question."

"Huh. No wonder, he left you."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Eric."

"What the hell am I here? I left someone back home, depressed for this shit. It better be worth it."

Eric punched me.

"Alright. I'm going home."

"Oh come on Curran. You just got here."

"And I'm leaving."

"Nooo please don't go!"

"Your brother just punched me."

"He's your brother too!"

"Him being called "Brother" doesn't tell me, he's not automatically in my family. You are since we have the same dad. Eric isn't. His mom is just married to our dad. Now here's how this is gonna work. I am going to get on a plane back home. I left someone very upset."

"Are you always, a dick?"

"Depends on the situation. Now, I am going to turn around. I'm going to get back on a plane. I'm going back to my very nice mom and the person, I upset."

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