Chapter 39

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Holt's POV
"Hol, what does that mean?"

"I'm sorry. Uncle Larry, might be coming."

My eyes widened.


"Mom invited him. I-I had no say."

"B-but it's your house!"

"I'm sorry. You know me. I always listen to what mom says."

I ran inside. I found Anabelle.

"Where's Ella?"

"She's in Kylie's room. Why?"

"Larry might be coming."

"Okay. What's the issue?"

"He's pissed about you being younger."

"I'm 21. I'm not 16 anymore."

"I-I know but...that probably doesn't change anything."

"Holt...come on."

"I-I know, I'm being paranoid."

She crossed her arms. Ariella and my niece Kylie started running around the house while giggling.

"Careful! The oven and stove are on!"

They slowed down.

"Baby relax. It's gonna be okay. Me and Holy are gonna fix our relationship. Maybe, you should try to fix things with your uncle."

She kissed me then walked away.

Why does she gotta see the good in everything?

The kids ran up to me.

"Uncle Holt? I want a cookie."

"Uhhh. You can't have one now. We didn't even have dinner yet."

"But you let Ariel have cookies whenever she wants!"

"Go ask your mom then."

"But she said "No"!"

"Kiddo, I'm saying the same thing. Go eat your Halloween candy or something."

Kylie stomped her foot.

"I don't like all of the candy, I got!"

I pinched my nose bridge.

These kids, are seriously trying to get me to give them cookies now?

"Okay. Alright. You two win."

We walked over to where the cookies where. I took out two cookies. I handed them to the kids.

"Don't get me in trouble now."

"I told you, we'd get them!"

They started eating their cookies as they ran away. A few hours later, I didn't know where Anabelle went. I started wandering around the house.

"Ani? Baby? Where'd you go?"

I heard knocking on glass. I walked to the back door. I looked out the window. I saw Anabelle shivering. I opened the door and pulled her into the house. I shut the door then locked it. I heard her teeth chattering.

"What happened?"


I started scanning her body.

Please don't be blue!

Please don't have frostbite!

"Can you walk?"

"E-everything hurts."

I helped her get to the couch. She sat down. I put my sweater, jackets, and blankets on her. I gave her something warm to hold.

"What's going on?"

"Larry locked her outside. She's freezing."

Ariella brought her beanie hat over. She climbed onto the couch and put it on Anabelle's head.

"Did he say anything to you?"

"She's too young for you Holt."

I looked up. I saw Larry standing in front of the tv.

"So you just lock her outside when it's below 20 fuckin degrees?!"

Ariella jumped off the couch and ran towards him. She stepped on his foot.

"You little shit!"

I jumped up and ran over to them. I put her behind me.

"Don't even."

"Aw look at you. Being a family man for once."

"Shut the fuck up. Ariel go get your stuff."

"But daddy...I didn't get my presents yet."

"You have presents at home."

"Can we at least go see the lights? You promised. We can drive around while, mommy warms up."


"C-can we just go home?"

"Huh? Belle are you okay? You never not want to go see the lights."

"I-I just want to go home. We uh...can go tomorrow."

"Okay everyone go away."

"But daddy-"

"Go play."

Everyone walked away. I walked to the couch. I crouched down in front of Anabelle.

"What happened?"

"I can't tell you."

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