Chapter 27

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            Holt's POV
My body shot up into a sitting position. My eyes opened. I was in my room. I was alone.

That was a dream?

They didn't find her?

She's not pregnant?

What the hell is going on?

That dream felt so real.

So the only thing that's true is...

It's been 10 weeks since she's been gone.

I picked up my phone.

2 am?

I went to put down my phone when it rang. I didn't recognize the number.

              *Phone Call with Unknown Number*
"Hello? Who is this?"

"It's Tracey. They found Ana."

"Oh thank god. Where is she?"

"I'll text you the address. We're 1 hour away."

"I-is she okay?"

"She's got a few cuts and bruises. She's malnourished and dehydrated. There's something else. She's having a miscarriage."

"She was pregnant?"

"You didn't know?"

"No. Did she?"

"I don't know. She's completely shut down. They told her and she just...stopped talking."

"Is she in the ER?"

"Yeah. We just got here."

"I-I'm on my way."

                      *End of Phone Call*
I jumped out of bed and started getting ready. My heart started racing.

She's okay.

She's okay.

She's alive.

It's okay.

I started looking around my room.

Should I bring her something?


I'll bring a hoodie.

I ran to my closet and grabbed a hoodie sweater. I ran to tell my mom, where I was going.

"They found her. I'm going to the hospital."

"Call me when you can. Love you."

"Love you."

I grabbed my car keys and ran out the door. I jumped into my car. There was no traffic so I got to the hospital without any problems. I parked then looked at my phone. Tracey told me Anabelle got moved to a room. She told where the room is and I started running. I found the room then ran up to Tracey.


She turned around.

"Oh good. You're here."

"I-is she okay?"

"She's resting."

"But she's okay?"

She nodded.

"She knows, I called you. She's still shut down."

I ran into the room and up to the bed. I moved hair out of her face.


She groaned. I kissed her forehead. I noticed she was holding her stomach.

Oh god.

I can't even she feels.

I can't imagine...the pain she's in.

I took my sweater off and put it over her. I walked over to the other side of the bed. I laid down. I wrapped my arms around her waist. I went back to sleep.

                            Anabelle's POV
Who's laying with me?

I looked down and saw arms around my waist.

That ring!

Curran wears that one!

I rolled over and looked up. I saw Holt. I wrapped my arms around his waist. I curled up into a ball. He started cradling my head. I smiled.

"Took you a while to notice me."

"Y-you came? You're actually here?"

"Yes. I'm actually here. I have been since 3:30."

"Oh no. My mom told you everything, didn't she?"

"Eh. She didn't tell me much. She told me, you shut down."

"That's...that's because I did."

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