Chapter 43

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                              Anabelle's POV
"Ari? Daddy's taking you to school today. It's time for you to get ready."

"Okay mommy."

She put her phone down and we went over to her clothes. I helped her pick out a outfit to wear. She brushed her teeth while I did her hair.

"Mommy? Are you and daddy mad still?"

"No sweetie. We're not."

"Do you hate each other?"

"No. We still love each other. People fight. It's normal."

When we were done, she grabbed her backpack and put it on.



She hugged me.

"Bye mommy!"

I kissed her forehead.

"Bye sweetie."

Holt walked up to me and hugged me then kissed me.

"I'll call you, during my lunch break. Love you."

"Love you too."

"I love you mommy!"

"I love you too."

They left and I went back to sleep. I woke up with my phone going off.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm getting up."

I picked up my phone and saw Holt texted me. He said something happened to Ariella and to meet him at the hospital. I jumped up and got ready. I grabbed a few things then ran out of the car. I jumped into my car and drove to the hospital. I saw Holt's car in the ER parking lot. I parked next to him then ran into the ER. I heard crying and followed it. I ran up to a room. I saw Holt and Ariella. I ran in.

"What happened?!"

Holt explained what Ariella said.

"H-how bad is this?!"

I looked at Ariella. She was in a pool of blood. I started holding her hand.


We started trying to calm her down. When she was brought to surgery, I started hyperventilating. Holt was hugging me tight.

"She's gonna be fine."


He started cradling my head.

"Go sit. I can feel, your knees buckling."

He brought me over to a chair and helped me sit.

"H-how are you calm?"

"I-I'm not. I've been crying. You didn't notice?"

"My''s all over the place!"

He sniffled. I looked up at him. He was crying.

"I-I'm sorry! I thought, you were calm!"

"It's okay. She's gonna be okay."

We waited in that waiting room all night. When we heard she was out of surgery, I ran to her room. I ran up to the bed. My legs started to give out again. I felt arms going around me.

"I've got you."

"She was supposed to be safe! Why wasn't she safe?!"

Holt gave me, my anxiety medication.

"No no. Not...not that one. I-it makes me sleepy. Please no. I-I'll take everything else but that. I-I wanna be awake when...she is."

"Love you gotta take it. You've been having a breakdown for almost 2 hours. Ani look at me."

He used one of his fingers to move my head.

"When she wakes up, I'll wake you up."

"B-but....I-I should be awake anyway. She'll be upset if I'm not."

"I doubt that. I'm sure, she'll understand. She knows about your anxiety. You're tired. You're scared. It's like you said, your head, is all over the place."

"Do-don't make me take it."

"Take it or I'm shoving it down your throat."

"I-I can calm down on my own. I-I swear."

"Anabelle...I love you but you're pissing me off right now. Take it."

"Okay! Okay! Fine!"

I took the pill out of his hand and put it in my mouth. I got some water and swallowed the pill.

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