Chapter 51

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                               Holt's POV
Now it's been a few months since everything has happened. The shooter got life in prison with no chance of parole. The teacher was arrested too. Ariella started healing after that. Well....kinda. She was still having nightmares occasionally. She started therapy. There's only so can say or do with children.

She was still sleeping in bed with me and Anabelle. We found another elementary school that was by us. They understood the situation and gave Ariella time to adjust. Ariella now had a baby brother named "Luca".

She seemed excited.

"Relax. You don't want to scare him."

She nodded. Ariella didn't want to go to school without him.

"Awww. It's okay. Come on. It's time for school."

I dropped her off at school then went to work.

Anabelle's POV
"Alright. First day with just the two of us."

When it was time for his nap, he started crying.

"Awww. It's okay little one."

I started swaying.

"You're okay. Shhh."

I started singing. He started to relax.

"There we go. See? It's okay. Shhh. Mommy's right here."

I kissed his forehead. I put him in his crib. I turned on the sound machine. I stayed with him until he fell asleep. I went and took a quick shower. I was worried about him waking up. I dried off a little then got dressed. I went around doing things around the house.

I started cleaning and doing laundry. I grabbed everything dry and put it in a small hamper. I sat on my bed and started sorting through everything. I started folding everything. I put everything in piles.


No wonder, I lose all my clothes.

They all end up in the laundry room.

Luca started crying. I got up and walked to the nursery.

"I'm coming. Mommy's coming."

I opened the door and walked in. I picked him up.

"Hey little man. What's wrong?"

I picked him up and checked his diaper.

"Aww. Is my little one hungry?"

I went and made a bottle for him. I sat down on my bed and started feeding him.

"There we go. You're okay. Daddy and your sister should be home soon."

He finished eating then I put him on my shoulder and burped him.

"There we go. All done. Wanna go play now? Let's go play with some toys."

I stood up and brought him to the playroom. I put him down on the play mat and grabbed some toys. I put them down by him then sat down next to him.

"Want this?"

He started staring the toy.

"You don't want this?"

I heard the front door open and little footsteps. Ariella ran into the playroom.

"Hi mommy! Hi Lukey!"

She ran up to us and plopped down onto the play mat.

"Hi sweetie. How was school?"

"Okay. I think, I made a friend."

"That's good. Where's daddy?"

"He's on the phone outside. He said, he'll come in, in a minute."

The front door opened then closed. I heard Holt on the phone.

"No. I just got home. Charli stop. Please. I've had a long ass day. I can come over tomorrow or you can come here. I gotta go."

"Is everything okay."

"No. Charlize is panicking about her lovely wife."

"Oh no. What's wrong?"

"They got into an argument."

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