Chapter 21

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Anabelle's POV
"A-are you being serious or is it because there's kids behind me?"

"Both. Soooo yes? No? Possibly? We did good on that project right?"

"Yeah...we did. Where're you going with this?"

"I just said it. Oh! That means, you can move closer to me!"

"Baby slow down. I'll think about it. Okay?"

I started pouting.

"Oh no. No no. Don't do that to me. Just don't. Not the puppy dog eyes."


He pinched his nose bridge.

"Jesus fuckin Christ...don't you have a music competition?"

"How'd you know?"

"Ani, baby, my aunt has been talking about this trip for weeks now. Wait until that's done. Then, we can talk about this again."

"Ugh. Fine. Can I go to your house?"

"Yeah sure. Not comfortable in your new place?"

"No. I'm not. I didn't sleep well. I liked seeing your text this morning."

"Oh good. I was hoping, that would help a little. Glad to hear, it did."

"A few people liked my necklace."

He smiled.

"I love it. Thank you."

We finished eating then threw everything out. We walked back to his car. We got in and he started driving. He put his hand on my thigh.

"'re actually gonna think about it?"

"Yes. I'm going to think about it. Is there something going on with you that, I don't know about?"

"I hate not being on the same block as you."

"I hate it too."

"You're the only friend I have there. I felt like....I was gonna lose you."

"What else?"

I sighed.

"Well...I'm not sure how, I'm feeling mentally anymore."


"Yeah. Lately...I've been thinking of ways to help my mental health."

"What have you thought about?"

"Having a family. I-I know it probably sounds stupid but...I feel'll help. I-I'm not trying to convince you or anything. Please don't think that."

"I don't. Don't worry. How long have you felt like this?"

"I dunno. Few weeks. Maybe a few days. I know...I'm probably asking too much of you. I-I'm also really depressed."

"Why's that?"

"I'm not happy where I live now. I-I know...I haven't been here long though."

He brought me back to his house.

His mom isn't home?

We got out of his car and walked up to the front door. He unlocked it and we walked in.

"Is your mom still at work?"

"I actually don't know. She would've told me if she was gonna be late."

I started kissing him. I jumped up and wrapped my arms and legs around him. He started walking. He used his foot to close his bedroom door. He put me down on his bed.

"Fine. You wanna start trying?"


He walked over to me and started kissing me again. We started taking off our clothes. I laid down and he got on top of me.


I nodded. He started moving. He started kissing my neck. My nails were digging into his back. We heard the front door open followed by girls laughing.

"Who is that?"

"Ohhh little brother?! Where are you?!"

"Did you know?"

"No. I-I didn't."

He went back to kissing my neck.

"Don't you want to see her?"

"I'm kinda busy right now."

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