Chapter 12

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Anabelle's POV
"I can't wait to get home."

I yawned.

"Go to sleep. You sound tired."

"I am."

I woke up laying down. I sat up. I stretched and got up. I decided to go on a walk.

I'm not dizzy anymore so that's good.

My head doesn't hurt anymore.

That's another good thing.

I saw Paul at the nurse's desk. My heart started racing. He saw me and ran up to me. I ran into my hospital room. I went to slam the door shut but, he forced it to stay open. He rushed in and shut the door. He backed me into a corner.

"Look at you, looking all adorable in your little yellow skirt."

"P-please g-go a-away. C-Curran's gonna be here soon."

"But he's not here now is he?"

"H-he's probably going to call me. H-he's been bringing me f-food."

"Did he tell you...what I told him, I'd do to you?"

I shook my head. He started scanning my body.

"I told him...I was going to take you and lock you in my basement. I'd fuck you until...well until you died."

I gulped.

"Oh? That scares you? How about this?  I take you and Curran. He'll be tied up. He'd be watching me rape you."


"I'm not done. I'd take off your clothes. I'd probably cut them off actually. I'd have a gun to your head.  Why haven't you been in school? Are you avoiding me?"


"I'm honestly offended. I have an idea. How about I...shoot Curran and he'd be in so much pain, he wouldn't be able to move. You'd be reaching for him. He'd be reaching for you. But oh no! You're not close enough!"

"Wh-why are you doing this to me?!"

"I want you."

"I-I don't want you! I-I don't!"

"Too bad! Have he even fucked you yet?"

My chest started to get tight. I started hyperventilating.

"Aw what's wrong?"

My legs started shaking. He started smelling me.

"Oh what about this? I slide my hands up your legs like this..."

I started trying to push him away.

"And then I do this."

He flipped me. I felt him lifting the back of my skirt.

"G-get off!"
Holt's POV
When I got to the hospital, something told me, something wasn't right. I ran up to Anabelle's hospital room. I saw Paul being brought out of the room in handcuffs. I ran up to him.

"What did you do?!"

"What I said, I would."

I looked into the room. Anabelle was sitting on the bed with her knees up to her chest. Her face was in her hands. I ran up to her. I got closer and heard her crying.


I put my hand on her shoulder.


She jumped up.

"Woah! I'm sorry! It's just me! It's me!"

I sat down next to her. I started rubbing her back.

"I'm right here."

She picked her head up.

"What happened?"

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