Chapter 32

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Holt's POV
"I haven't been here for not even and hour and, I've punched."

"I asked you to come down here so we could talk."

"And that's why phones are a thing. There. We talked."

My phone started ringing. I took it out of my pocket.

Thank god.

I gotta get away from whatever conversation this is.

I started walking away. I answered the call.

*Phone Call with Anabelle*
"YAY! You answered!"

"You called at the right time actually. I needed to get away."

"Did you find your dad yet?"

"Yeah. My half little sister ran up to me and dragged me over to them."

"Oh no. What happened? You're pissed. I hear it in your voice."

"Yeah. I'm livid. My lovely, lovely step brother has already punched me. You're right. I should've stayed home. I'm gonna come home."

"Yay! I'm not home though. I'm at the hotel."

"Okay. I'm still coming home."

"Okay! That's fine!"

"Oh fuck my life. There's no flights home."

"Noooo! When's the next one?"

"Shit. You're gonna kill me."


"I can't find one that's available until after Christmas."

"What? Oh no!"

"I-I'm sorry."


"Baby I'm sorry. I-I'll keep checking. Hell, I'll take a train home if I have to."

"Y-you'd do that?"

"Yeah. I promised, I'd be home right?"

"Yeah. I-I wasn't expecting you to say, you'd take a train home."

"You'd be surprised if, I told you what, I'd do for you. Listen, I'm gonna do my best to be home. Don't do that late night drive without me."

"I obviously won't."

"I know. I'm just making sure. Don't worry about helping me. Focus on having fun. Is it warm by you?"

"I's Florida so it's extremely hot."

"Oh! That's right. I hate you for being out of the cold."

"You're such a lair. Don't forget. I do love the cold though. I do have my limits though."

"That I know. How many of my sweaters did you steal?"


"I don't like how you said that."

"I think...2 or 3? I definitely stole some shirts."

"So you're only gonna wear my clothes for the next 72 hours?"

"Yeah. Basically. They smell like you so yeah. There's that. Oh! They're comfortable too. They're a bit big on me though. Some fit but that's because, it's old shirts."

"Oh yeah. That's right. Is that all you took?"

"I may or may not have stole..."

"I swear to god if you say, my toothbrush, I'm gonna lose it."

"Yeah. I used that to clean my bathroom."

"You're an asshole. I can't tell if, you're joking."


"If I was looking at you, I'd be able to see your poker face."


"Are you gonna get cute little ears headband or a cute little ears hat?"

"Hm. I haven't thought of that."

"Is it decorated for Christmas yet?"

"Yeah. It is. It's so pretty. Oh. I'm sorry but, I have to go. Sabrina is yelling at me. Bye. I love you."

"But. I love you too."

*End of Phone Call*
I felt someone hit the back of my head.

"Let's go."

"Goddamnit Eric. I was in the middle of something."

"Stop flirting."

"Uh no. I'm allowed to flirt with someone."

"Let's go moron."

I rolled my eyes and we walked to the car. I got stuck in the back of the car.

"Why am I back here?"

"That's where you're sitting."

"Okay this is bullshit. I'm outta here on the first flight."

"You seriously don't, wanna spend time with your family?"

"You mean the family, I didn't know about for 13 goddamn years?! You've already punched me! The fuck was that for?!"

"You were being a dick."

"I'm fucking tired! I was on a plane for 17 hours!"

"You should've slept."

"I tried! People were talking!"

"Boys stop."

When we got to my dad's house, a lady walked up to me.

"Hi! I'm Natasha. What happened to your eye?"

"Ask your son."

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