Chapter 19

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Anabelle's POV
"Marsha enough!"

Sabrina ran up to me.

"Are you okay?!"

"Marsha! Come on!"

"Just let her be!"

"She stole MY PART!"

"She didn't steal anything! The part was NEVER yours!"

"Let's get you to sit down."

Sabrina helped me get back over to the chairs. We sat down. I had a hard time opening my purse. I took my phone out of it and unlocked it.

"What's wrong?"

I clicked on Holt's contact. I handed my phone to Sabrina.

"He probably can't talk Ana."

"Trust me Sabrina. He'll answer since it's her calling."

She brought the phone up to her ear.

"Uh hello? Is this Holt? Oh! Hi! I'm Sabrina. I go to school with Belle. Something happened. No. She's not okay. Someone yelled at her during choir. Huh? She triggered her? What does that mean?"

She handed me, my phone.

                    *Phone Call with Holt*
"Ani?! What happened?!"

"S-some g-girl j-just..."

"Try to calm down. Who triggered you?"

"M-Marsha. S-she said...I'm getting everything handed to me."

"Huh? No! My aunt wouldn't do that! I-I didn't ask her to! Fuck. I'll be there in 20. Keep talking to me."

"Y-you're d-driving."

"Baby my phone is hooked up to the car. I can talk. What happened? Why did she yell at you?"

"I-I didn't d-do an-anything. I-I swear."

"I know. I know. Baby what happened?"

"I-I got a solo. She-she doesn't like that."

"That's great that you got a solo though."

"I-I didn't want it."


"Ev-everyone sa-said I should get it."

"Did you audition or anything?"

"Y-yes. I-I went last."

"Okay I'm here. Have my aunt come get me. I'll see you in less than 7 minutes."
*End of Phone Call*

Holt's POV
I parked then jumped out of my car. I ran up to the doors. My aunt ran up to the doors and opened one.

"You gotta sign in as a visitor. I'll take you after."


I signed in and got a pass. I followed my aunt. She brought me into the choir room. I ran in. I saw people sitting on the floor. I saw Anabelle sitting in a chair next to a girl.


She stood up and ran into my arms. She burrowed her face into my chest.

"Can somebody tell me what the hell happened here?"

"Oh shit! Curran?!"

I looked over and saw a kid, I knew.

"Oh. Hey."

"She's YOUR girl?!"

"Uh yeah. Why?"

"I-I didn't know, she's yours!"

"He said "she's hot.""

"Touch her and you're dead."

I started cradling Anabelle's head.

"I'm so sorry. I feel like, I lied to you. I told you, it'd be different here."

"I-it's okay. I-I'm not mad."

"Oh good."

"She did great with the solo."

"Yeah. She really did."

"I'm sorry, I made you leave!"

"It's okay. I'm not mad. Don't worry. You needed me so I came."

She started calming down.

"Did you eat lunch?"

She shook her head.


"I was doing what you asked. I was making a friend."

"Oh. Are you hungry though?"


"Okay. You have what? 2 classes left?"


"Okay. Do you want me to take you somewhere later?"

"Yes please."

I saw a girl standing behind Anabelle.

"Are you Sabrina?"


"Thank you."

The bell rang.

"Don't go. Holty please."

"I-I have to go."

She started holding me tighter.

"I'm so sorry."

I cupped her face.

"I'm still picking you up okay? Oh wait. I have an idea."

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