Chapter 34

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Holt's POV
My step mom, Natasha started talking.

"He's still here?! You didn't listen to me?! He needs to be in a hospital!"

"I know! Eric hid the car keys!"

I heard someone running up the stairs. Charlize opened the door.

"He doesn't feel good."

Natasha ran up to me.

"H-hey. I feel horrible."

"You need to be in the hospital!"

"I-I know."

"Can you stand?"

"I-I don't know."

She helped me stand up.

"Na-Natasha? C-can you do something for me? I-I gotta get back home for Christmas. I-I promised my girlfriend, I would. I-I don't care how, I get there."

"Yes. I'll help. Let's get you to the hospital."

She brought me to the hospital. I was put on oxygen just to be safe. They started doing all these tests on me.

"Mommy? Is he gonna be okay?"

"Hopefully. He mentioned having a girlfriend. When's the last time, he talked to her?"

"Right before you came home. She's at a music competition right now."

"Ah. I see."

"She's really nice too! I talked to her while, Holt was sleeping. Can I stay here with him?"

"Are you sure? You might get bored."

"I have my phone."

"You have to relax a bit sweetie."

"I'm sorry. I'm excited. I have another brother."

"I know you are. Don't overwhelm him. He needs to rest."

Charlize pulled a chair next to me. She sat down.

"Can I talk to you?"

I nodded.

"Yay! Okay so."

She started telling me about herself. She talked about her friends. How school was going. And how she was excited to see me.

"I'm sorry Eric hurt you."

"It's fine kiddo."

"You were just cranky right?"

"Yes. That's exactly, what I was."

"Eric is a bully!"

"I can see that."

"Can I see what Belley looks like?"

"Yeah. Do you have my phone?"

She found my phone. I unlocked it and opened my photos.


She started swiping through pictures.

"She's beautiful!"

I smiled a bit.

"Yeah. She really is."

"Can I meet her?"

"Maybe. We'll see if we can set that up. Maybe, you can come stay with me and my mom over the summer. I'm with Ani, 24/7."

"Hey Holt?"


"Do you think, you can make Eric like you?"

"I'm not sure. I'm the same as him."


"I'm a bully too. I'm working on it though. I wanna change. Especially for Ana."

"Oh! That's nice!"

"Please don't yell."

"Oh no. I'm sorry."

I yawned. I was kept in the hospital for a few days. Natasha found a train for me to take home. I gave her and Charlize my number.

Thank god.

I'm going home.

Now. There is a problem. The train I'm going on, is the last one home. And it's the day, Anabelle is at her cousin's house for Christmas and it's Christmas Eve. The train ride is like 5 hours.

I can make it.

I can make it.

It's okay.

My leg started bouncing.

It's okay.

It's gonna be okay.

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