Chapter 16

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Anabelle's POV
I ended up passing out since I was exhausted. A few months later, my mom found a house. We went to see it. She bought it that day. I went home and started crying. I texted Holt and told him to come over. I heard the front door open and I ran downstairs. I ran up to him and started hugging him while still crying. He started cradling my head.

"I don't want to go!"

"I know. I don't want you to go. This is good for you."

He helped us pack. He helped me set up my new room. He took his phone out of his pocket.

"Shit. I gotta go."

"Noooo. Don't leave."

"I'll be back tomorrow."

"But...I start school tomorrow."

"I'll come by after. Ani you're gonna be fine."

He took a box out of his pocket. He opened it and I saw a silver swallow bird necklace.

"I was gonna wait until your birthday but...I think you need it now."

I turned around and moved hair out of the way. He put the necklace on me.

"If anything happens, tell me. I can always get it replaced. I've gotta go. You're gonna be fine. Try to make friends for me, okay?"

"I-I can try."

"That's all I'm asking you to do. I love you."

"I love you too."

He kissed me then left.  I had a hard time sleeping. I woke up to a text.

Holt: Good morning!! I hope you have a good first day. Let me know if you need me. You know what classes you can talk to me during. Let me know if I have to come get you. Remember what I said, try to make friends. You need them. I love you.

This isn't gonna go well.

"Are you awake?"

"Yes. I'm up. I'm up."

I got ready and my mom brought me to my new school. Everyone stared at me as I walked in.

It's okay.

You're okay Ana.

You're just new.

Nobody knows who you are.

This is normal.

Holt said to make friends.

The morning went well. During lunch, I started playing a game on my phone.

Sucks I can't talk to him right now.

His lunch period didn't even start yet.

A girl walked up to me. She sat down across from me.

"You're the new girl right?"

I nodded.

"I'm Sabrina. Can I see your schedule?"


"I wanna see if we have any classes together."

I took my schedule out of my purse and unfolded it. I put it on the table.

"Oh! We have choir together! Are you an alto or soprano?"


"Me too! Mrs. Banks is amazing! We get solos a lot."

"Y-you do?"

"Yeah! I like your necklace!"

She's too hyper.

"Th-thanks. My boyfriend got me it."

Her eyes widened.

"You have a boyfriend?!"

I nodded.

"How is that?"

"I-I like it. He makes me happy. He's my best friend. When I was in the hospital, he brought me food everyday. He got me a stuffed animal too."

My phone went off and I picked it up. Holt was texting me.

                        *Text Message with Holt*


Holt: How's your day so far? Are you okay?

Anabelle: I'm okay. I'm in lunch right now. I thought you were in English?

Holt: I am. I finished everything early so I wanted to check on you. Do I need to deck anyone yet?

Anabelle: Oh ha ha. Very funny Curran.

Holt: Oh no. I'm serious. Please tell me, you made at least 1 friend.

Anabelle: Someone is sitting with me.

Holt: That's good! Oh! Are you still in choir?

Anabelle: Yeah. I am. It's next period. I'm nervous. I don't know any of the songs.

Holt: You'll be fine. You're a fast learner. You've got this. I've gotta go. I'll see you later. Love you."

Anabelle: Love you too.

                        *End of Text Message*

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