Chapter 20

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Anabelle's POV
"How about...I go get you chicken nuggets?"

"Y-you will?"

"Yeah. We can eat at your house if you want."

He started walking away.

"I'll see you later! I love you!"

"I love you too!"

I grabbed all of my things and hurried to my next class. I got there before the last bell.

"Hi I'm here. I-I am so, so sorry."

"It's alright. I know why you're late."

I found a seat and sat in it. The rest of the day was okay. I was leaving my last class when someone walked up to me.

"Hey. I'm Tana. We have choir together."

"Oh! Hi!"

"Are you okay now?"

I nodded. We started walking.

"Yes. I am. Thank you. That was embarrassing for me."

"I wish, I had someone who'd drop everything just to see me."

"I love him. He knows everything about me and he doesn't judge me."

We walked to my locker and I opened it. I started doing what I had to.

"That was amazing that he come here for you."

I smiled.

"He's my best friend. He told me when, he graduates, he'll move closer to me."

When I was done with my locker, I closed it and locked it. I started walking.

"When I was in the hospital, he brought me food everyday. He'd spend a while on line just to get me chicken nuggets."

"Your necklace is pretty."

"Thank you. He got me it. He gave me it yesterday."

"That's adorable."

We walked outside and I started looking for Holt. He was leaning up against his car with his arms crossed.

"Ah! I found him! Bye Tana!"

I started running to him. I jumped into his arms.

"You seem happier."

"I feel happier baby. Thank you. Did you get my nuggets?"

"Is that why you're happier?"

I shook my head.

"I talked about you to some people and it made me feel better."

"Oh so flaunting me around, made you feel better?"


He opened the car door for me.

"Aw you're so cute."

"Don't make me close it."

"You won't."

"I will."

"Yeah okay."

"Wanna find out?"

I jumped into the car. He chuckled. I put the seatbelt on. Holt got in then did the same.

"Where do you want to eat? I'll take you anywhere."

"Hmmm. Anywhere?"

"Oh god. Why did you say it like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like I just walked into a trap."

I shrugged.

"I want to go eat outside somewhere."

"Okay. Like?"

"I dunno. Oooo! Maybe we could go to the park!"


He drove to a park. He parked and I grabbed the bag of food. We got out of the car and he locked it. We started walking to find a table. We found one and sat down. We took out, our food and started eating.

"Was your day decent at first?"

"Yeah. Yours?"

"Oh god. Where do I fuckin start?"

"Oh no."

He started talking about his day.

"I'm glad, I was able to help you. I feel like...I lied to you."

"You didn't. You didn't expect that."

I looked behind him and saw kids playing.

"I want a baby."

He almost choked on his drink.

"I-I-I wasn't expecting you to say something like that."

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