Chapter 2

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Anabelle's POV
"Mom? Can I please stay home today? I-I don't feel good."

"What do you mean?"

"My stomach hurts. I feel nauseous."

I'm just scared to go to school today.

I'm scared, Paul's gonna do something to me.

My mom put her hand on my forehead.

"You don't have a fever."

"Please just let me stay home. I-it's just for one day."

"No. You're going."


My heart started racing.

"Mom please!"

"I don't have time for this! You're gonna be late if we don't leave now!"

I gulped. I stopped talking. When we got to my school, she dropped me off.

"Bye. I love you."

"I-I love you too."

I grabbed my things then got out of the car. I walked to my locker with my head down when I got to my locker. Paul was waiting for me. I gulped. I walked up to it.

"Hey pretty girl."

I didn't answer. He started smelling me. I unlocked my locker and started doing what I had to do. He started scanning my body. My heart started racing again. When I was done with my locker, I shut it then locked it. I started walking to my first class. I put my head down. I bumped into someone. I dropped all of my things.

"I-I'm so sorry! I-I wasn't paying attention!"

I started picking everything up. I looked up. I saw someone I wasn't expecting. Curran Holt Akers. He's the somewhat of a bad boy of the school. He started helping me pick everything up.

"T-thank you."

He walked away.

He didn't go off on me?

I just bumped into him.

I picked my head up and continued walking.

"Hey wait!"

I heard Paul and started walking faster. I made it to my first class and ran in. I sat in the front of the class. Paul sat next to me again. At lunch, he sat next to me again. He put his hand on my thigh. I pushed it away.

"Oh come on. Don't be like that."

"Please stop."

"No. I'm gonna keep going."

I grabbed my things and walked to the bathroom so I could eat in peace. Nobody came in to bother me.

I can't get away from him.

"I don't understand why, you keep trying to avoid me. I'm a nice guy."

I shook my head.

"You're making me uncomfortable."

I looked behind him and saw Holt staring at me.

Why's he doing that?

He looks mad.

He slammed his locker shut. Paul looked behind him and rolled his eyes.

"One date. Just go on one date with me."

I shook my head again.

"N-no thank you. I-I don't like you that way."

"Oh but you like me?"

"N-no. I-I don't."

He moved hair off my shoulder. My heart started pounding. Holt started walking towards us.

"Back off."

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Just do it."

I looked down.

"She's clearly uncomfortable."

"Okay and?"

"Stop harassing her. She doesn't like you. Back off before, I deck you."


"Hey Curran! Let's go!"

Holt clenched his jaw and fists.

"I better not see you around her again."

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