Chapter 17

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Anabelle's POV
"Sorry. That was him. He was checking on me."

"That's okay."

After lunch, she showed me where the choir room is. I sat in a chair in the front of the room. I started looking at everyone.

They all look intimidating.

Especially the girl in yellow.

"Who the hell is that?"

"Must be the new girl."

"She's kinda hot."


Oh great.

Holt's gonna kill someone.

A woman walked up to me.

"You must be Amabelle. I'm Mrs. Banks. I have a folder filled with everything you need."

She handed me a black folder with a number on it.

"That's your number. It goes in folder holder after class. You can take everything home to catch up if you want. You can sit and watch until, you feel comfortable."

"Th-thank you."

"Wait a moment. What's your last name?"

"My last name? Oh that's "Moon" why?"

"I knew it. You're dating my nephew."

My eyes widened.

"You're Holt's aunt?"

She nodded.

"I'm glad to have you here. He told me, you're a very good singer."

I smiled.

"Thank you."

"Oh great! Don't tell me, she's gonna get everything fuckin handed to her!"

"Settle down Marsha!"

I put my head down.

"I assure you, she will earn everything, just like you do. It doesn't matter if I know her. She is still my student. I hope, you can change your attitude towards her."

I picked my head up.

"Oh come on!"

"Marsha listen to her. Just calm down. We don't even know this girl."

A guy defended me?

Oh fuck.

That scares me.

Mrs. Banks cleared her throat.

"Okay enough banter. Let's start warm ups."


"Not another word Marsha!"


Stay away from that girl.

I watched them do their warm ups.

"Oh I forgot to ask you, are you an alto or soprano?"

"She better not be an alto!"

"Marsha go to the office!"

Marsha stormed away.

"I told her, to leave her alone."

"I'm writing her a referral. I will not tolerate that type of behavior. Alright. Everyone let's start singing."

"I-I'm a soprano."

"Ah. Follow along with that line then."

"Yes ma'am."

"Wow. He was right. You have manners. I like you already."

I smiled.

"Ready? We're going in concert order. I put them in order for you already Ana."

"Th-thank you."

They started singing and I followed along.

Oh shit.

Can I still hit that high of a note?

"Okay. That was better than the other day. Let's keep that up with everything else."

Someone raised their hand.


"Are you gonna pick people for the solos for the high notes or are we doing them together?"

"Hmmm. That's a good question. I haven't decided yet. For now, let's do them together."

Someone else raised their hand.

"Can we see if, the new girl can do it?"

My eyes widened.


"Anabelle? Is that something, you'd think, you'd like to try?"

I gulped.

"Uhhh. I-it's like you said. I-I should earn everything."

"Yes. That's true. But you have to do things to earn something."

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