Chapter 22

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                              Holt's POV
"I love you."

"I love you too."

She started moaning.

"Ohhhh Holt!"

I heard my bedroom door open. I covered Anabelle with the blanket. I sat up and saw my sister.

"H-hey Holy."

"Did I hear a girl just now?"


"Do you...have a girlfriend?"


Anabelle sat up.


"Holy shit!"

"C-can we get dressed?"

My sister ran out of my room and shut the door.

"I-I'm sorry about her."

Anabelle straddled me. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Eh. It's fine."

We got up and started getting dressed.

"Can I steal a shirt?"

"Yeah. There's a few you can take."

I walked over to my closet and started going through my shirts. I found some, I didn't want anymore.

"They don't fit me."

She took one and put it on.

"Damn. It kinda fits. You look adorable it in too."



"Does my hair look okay?"

"You look fine love."


She opened my bedroom door and ran out of my room.


I ran after her.

"Ani don't overwhelm her!"

I ran down the stairs and saw my sister hugging Anabelle.

What the fuck?

"He's talked about you before!"

"Really? Was it a good or bad thing!"

Anabelle backed away.

"It was a good thing! He doesn't like girls getting picked on!"

Holy crossed her arms.

"Oh? You're protective of just girls?"

"Oh in MY defense, the guy harassing her, was pissing me off."

Anabelle started hugging me.

"He saved me though. He brought me, my chicken nuggets when I was in the hospital."

I smiled.

"He listened and didn't get arrested."

"Damn. You're listening to what a girl asks you to do?"

"Yeah. I love her. She's been through enough so...I'm gonna be here for her."

"Oh fuck. I should go home before, my mom kills the both of us."

"Yeah. You're right. I'll be back in a bit."

I grabbed my car keys and we went to my car. We got in and I started driving.

"I hope tomorrow's better for me."

"Me too. Call me if you need anything. I'll come running just like I did today."

"I know you will. Can we do that little lunch date again tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Sure."

She kissed me.

"Yay. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye! I love you!"

"See you tomorrow. I love you too."

I watched her, walk up to the front door. I stayed until, I saw she was inside. I drove back home. I walked up to the front door and opened it.

"I'm back."

Holy ran up to me.

"Since when, do you date?"

"Uh since I was 16. Why?"

"And how old is she?"

"16. Holy what're you getting at?"

"She's a nice girl but, she's too young for you."

"Excuse me?!"

"Uhhh shouldn't have said that."

"Oh come on! He's seriously not gonna defend her right?"

"Yes! I'm gonna defend her! You're back for not even an hour an-and you're judging her! She's already insecure about it!"

"Kids calm down."

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