Chapter 5

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Anabelle's POV
I walked into the living room and saw my mom.

"How was it?"

"I-I didn't stay. Uh Holt didn't like that I was there. He said I'm not the type of person for that. He said he'll come by tomorrow so we can work on the project."

I went to bed and in the morning, I woke up with someone on top of me. I opened my eyes and saw Paul. I went to scream but he covered my mouth.

"I told you to not talk to him! Now, you're gonna be a good girl and listen to me. Take off your clothes."

I shook my head. He ripped off my clothes. He undid his belt. I started trying to push him off. I started scratching and kicking him. I bit his hand and I screamed. He covered my mouth again. Someone started pounding on my bedroom door.

"What's wrong?! What's going on?!"



"Oh so now you're hanging out with him?!"

My heart started pounding. It got hard for me to breathe. I screamed as I sat up. I looked around and saw what just happened, was a nightmare. My dad came running into my room.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just...I just had a bad dream is all."

He walked out of my room and I went to get ready. The doorbell rang at around 1 in the afternoon. I walked downstairs and walked to it. I opened the door and saw Holt.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I-I'm fine."

He walked inside and we went to the dining room. My parents walked downstairs. I introduced them to Holt. He ended up staying late so he had dinner with us.

Okay what the fuck is going on?

On Monday during lunch, Paul sat next to me. He didn't sit across from me. He said right next to me. He started touching me.

"G-get off."


I looked around. I started looking for Holt.

"He's not here today. I made sure of it."

"Wh-what did you do to him?"

"Locked him in the storage closet."

I felt something go up against my back.

"Get your shit and follow me."

I gulped. I packed everything up. I got up and started running. I ran into Holt again.


"Help me."

"What's wrong?"

I looked over my shoulder. I saw Paul running towards us.

"Oh goddamnit. Not again. Come with me."

He grabbed my hand and started walking.

"Where are we going?"

"Mrs. Moore's office."

"Oh no. I-I'd feel bad if, I got him in trouble."

"He's gotta be stopped. Either you do it or I do."

I gulped. We got to the main office. We walked in and I asked to see the principal.

"She's talking to someone right now. She'll be free in a minute."

We sat down and my legs started bouncing. My hands were shaking. The principal walked out and said we could talk to her.

"You're gonna be fine."

I walked into her office and sat down. I started saying everything.

"Has anyone seen this?"

"Curran said he has."

"That's it? Only him? I'm gonna need more than one person to say they have."

My heart cracked.

"S-so you're not going to help me?"

"Unless you find someone else to back this up, I can't do anything."

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