Chapter 23

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                                 Holt's POV
"You know literally nothing about her!"

"He's right. You don't. You should give her a chance."

"See?! Even mom agrees! You're not even getting to know her!"

"You might as well, be dating a fuckin 12 year old!"

"She's 16! That's fuckin legal here! The age of consent is fuckin 16!"

Holy rolled her eyes.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! I haven't seen or heard from you in 4 years, and this is the first thing, you decided to do?! I cannot believe you!"

"Oh come on! You can't, possibly see you two together forever!"

"Yes! Yes I fuckin can! Don't fucking say a goddamn word to me unless, it's a fuckin positive thing about her!"

"Do I need to spell it out for you?! YOU...WILL...NOT...LAST!"


I stormed away and went up to my room. I slammed my door shut. I went to bed early. In the morning, I couldn't wait to get outta the house. My mom apparently enrolled Holy into my school. She insisted, she'd drive us.

"You two are gonna have to talk eventually."

"No. We don't. All she's gonna do, is fuckin bash Ani! She's gone through enough! I'm not gonna let someone that hates her, be around her!"

We didn't talk the rest of the drive to school. We walked in and split up. One of my friends walked up to me.

"Yo was that your sister?"

"Uh huh."

"Oh no. I don't like the way, you said that."

"She's bashing Ani."

"What? Why would anyone bash her? She's the nicest person, I've ever met."

"I tried telling her that. Reed...she fuckin met her for less than 5 minutes and...she's bashing her."

"That doesn't sound like Holy. She loves people."

"Not anymore."

I slammed my locker door shut.

"Something's off with Raul."

"What do you mean?"

"He's been acting weird lately."

"Define "Weird" for me."

"I saw him looking up guns yesterday. I looked over his shoulder and saw him."

"Maybe...he was watching a cop show or something."

"No. Trust me. He was looking up machine guns. You gotta believe me."

"Relax. I do. I didn't say, I didn't."

"I know. I-I'm paranoid dude. You're the 6th person, I've told."

"Oh shit. I-I'll uh...say something if, I see something."

On the way to my 5th period class, there was screaming and people running past me.

What the hell?

Holy ran up to me.

"Uh what's going on?"

Then I heard it. Gunshots.

"Okay we gotta run."

We both started running.

"Where do we go?!"

"I don't know!"

Holy tripped over something and fell. I helped her stand up. I saw who was the shooter.


"You know him?!"

"He's my friend! GO! GO! GO GO!"

We went back to running. I felt something hit my shoulder.


Blood started running down my arm.

"J-just keep running!"

We ran until we were outside. I collapsed.


I woke up while, I was being brought into the ER.


I turned my head and saw Anabelle running towards me. I put my hand out. She ran up to me and grabbed it.


"Hey. Hi. You're gonna be okay."

She kissed my forehead.

"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I love you."

"I-I love you too."

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