chapter one.

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"What do you mean?"

 "What do you mean? There's nothing confusing about what I just explained." 

A pause. "So... we'll have our own spy in the Cartel, I get that... I'm asking what you mean by this whole situation, Captain. How she will be able to communicate with us on an enemy's territory? And why just one spy when one of us could have joined and got this situation over quicker?"

"You are duller than a fucking rubber ball, Sergeant. Were you even listening to what I was saying?"

A man in a skull mask shifted a bit, his eyes off to the side as he chimed in, "Clearly not. In one, out the other, isn't that right Johnny?"

Johnny MacTavish, Soap, shot an unimpressed glance over towards the Brit, about to give the same energy but was cut off before he even opened his mouth.

"Look- stop questioning me, not only is it fucking rude but I also know what I'm doing." The Captain lightly scratched under his chin with the switchblade as he spoke. "The three of you are recognizable. I bet your pretty little faces are pinned on their watch-out corkboard. Not only that but communication with our undercovered is only allowed at 11 pm sharp, any other time isn't safe." After his long statement, Price's eyes scanned between his three trustworthy men, expecting more mouth movement. Nothing. "Discussion over. Now leave my office."


Dead leaves crunched under Y/n's boots with every step, her tired eyes settled ahead and the only amusing thing at the moment was the thought of sleeping in her own bed. It was a very uncomfortable process achieving her way through missions, with small slip-ups always around her corner that could lead to the unknowing darkness of death. Her job was to hide in plain sight and seeing she had been recruited for different missions time after time, it was safe to assume she was extremely resourceful.

With her thumbs locked behind her backpack straps, she made her way through security and a bunch of other shit she didn't have the mindset to even focus on complaining about, chewing on an hour-old piece of gum that had lost all its flavor but the most painful thing was how every time she tried to blow a bubble it just popped right away. She yawned, pulling out her phone as she sat down on a bench, scrolling through messages and whatnot- it's been a minute since she was able to even look at this screen. Almost seven minutes into her mindless scrolling, she noticed a message pop up on the top of her screen from an unknown number.

'L/n, good job on the successful mission. Shepherd and Laswell are waiting for you to discuss newer terms.'

Huh? She swiped away the message, needing just a minute-

'Now would be the best time if it's available for you.'

Giving a heavy but quiet sigh, Y/n decided now would indeed be the best time. Later will just make her lose motivation. Pushing herself up with a grunt, she made her way toward his office, her feet hurting from constantly being on them.

After about fifteen minutes of being driven to his building, she approached the leader's office, hearing muffled and faint voices conversing inside the room. She glanced at her phone. 3:17 pm. Let's see how long it takes before having another demand thrown at her. After putting her phone in her cargo pants, she gave three knocks.

"Enter." Came a voice from behind the door. 

Y/n twisted the knob and was met with the sight of Shepherd and Laswell seated, folders on Shepherd's desk. She gave a slight nod in greeting, "You wanted to see me, sir?"

The big boss gave a nod in exchange, motioning her to sit. "First of all, I wanted to congratulate you on yet another successful mission. Although I'm not surprised, I am impressed with how fluent and quick this one passed." Shepherd stated as he shuffled through the folders, his eyes scanning the documents. 

As Laswell quietly pointed out a certain file, Y/n took her turn to speak. "I appreciate it, sir. It's safe to say I won't miss the food there, so I'm glad it's over just as much as you are." Some humor was a coping mechanism. She knew she was about to be given yet another mission right when a folder was slid across the table for her to see. "What's this?"

"A new mission for you. We have a terrorist by the name of Hassan Zyani. Not too long ago we found out that he has American missiles, we don't know how he got them, but that doesn't really matter as of now. What I do want to know is where they're going- where their target is. This is where you come in. You're going to be undercover for the Cartel. We found out that Hassan is working with said Cartel in Las Almas, Mexico." His voice was confident and rough, as usual, but this time it gave Y/n a bite of anger. Sure, it was her job, but damn she wanted a break. Not even three hours of rest time, just work, work, work. 

"The Cartel, huh?" Y/n had processed the information deeply, her eyebrows narrowing a bit from both exasperation and focus. Skillfully, she forced her disappointment into false curiosity though, opening the file to soak in any excess knowledge.

Shepherd didn't respond, glancing over toward the clock on his desk. "Your flight leaves an hour from now, L/n. Don't worry, Captain Price will give you further information on what you'll be doing exactly once you land. Good luck."

Y/n checked the clock as well. It had only been seven minutes for a demand to be thrown at her.

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