chapter six.

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"Ah, I barely know ya. Give me a week." Soap's words were fluent and dusted with an unreadable emotion, his eyes subtly scanning her face, waiting for a reaction. He just knocked the wind out of her and was threatening her once more. What a character.

"Damn, on the field? You guys are brave." Gaz's voice appeared from behind the both of them with the sound of soft crunches from his feet meeting the moist ground. His voice was uncertain and it was noticeable he was hesitant as his footsteps ceased a bit after his comment.

Soap glanced over his shoulder, Y/n lifting her head to peek over his shoulder as well. Gaz looked concerned. "Training in the field is better than in the lounge." Soap commented as he got up, giving a grunt hoisting himself, then offered a hand out to Veil. She accepted it and got helped up, dusting herself afterward. Her back was soaked.

"Hah, training for what exactly?" Kyle, Gaz, quipped. He didn't focus too long on the conversation as he continued. "Anyway, Veil," He looked over to her, "Price sent me to let you know he wants to see you after training."

Y/n glanced at Soap and then at Gaz, "What time is it?"

Gaz looked up at the sky in thought, raindrops kissing his face. "Around 4:35-ish? It was about that time when I started heading out here. He did say after though, so you two can continue your... training for a bit longer."

"Alright, thanks."

After some quick exchange, Gaz decided to head back in so they could use the remaining time to practice, gazing over his shoulder after walking off. He was for sure having some suspicions.

The time was spent with Veil and Soap both dealing attacks to each other, Soap getting the upper hand with every defense and throw. It was probably ten minutes in when Johnny announced training was over for today. Y/n was butthurt by this, knowing she had it in her to take him down, but she obliged. Her clothes stuck to her uncomfortably, her clothes now heavy from water in the material.

"I'm drenched," Soap stated as they both started heading back, the rain pouring down more than when they first came out. Y/n nodded in response, which gave him the go to continue. "You weren't too bad out there. I think a little more training and you're set."

"Got it," Y/n confirmed, looking at the building as they got closer, two steps behind Soap. She was about to comment on something, but she was caught off-guard. 

"Fuck!" Now, as you could imagine, the rain had caused the grass to get slippery, Soap being a victim of this. He somehow misplaced his foot and slipped back, it was a slip where you can't even save yourself. Y/n, being the mighty hero she as, attempted to push on his back to stabilize him, but that failed. His was about 99% muscle, so she got shoved down, his body on top of hers.

"God damn, MacTavish- get- get the fuck off of me... you're crushing me!" Y/n wheezed out, now under the man once more but it was his hard back flat out of her chest.

Johnny was quick to get on his feet, laughing at her commentary. "Jesus, I'm sorry!" He laughed out, still in shock by how fight or flight her mouth was when being smushed.

Y/n slowly got up, a huge smile on her face from him laughing at her. "So embarrassing that a big guy like you can be taken down by a small rock." She noticed the rock once it was face level with her a moment ago.

"Excuse me? Didn't I just hand you your ass a few minutes ago?"

The slight banter went on for a bit before they finally arrived at the building, going back to professional terms.

Soap opened the door for Y/n, following after once she entered. "Do you know where Price's office is?" He asked casually. This loser got beat by a rock, Y/n still found that funny, but she had to ignore it.

"I was actually about to ask you to show me- but I want to get changed and showered first." She smiled over at him, flicking her eyes down to his shoes and then to his eyes as they walked, "You should too."

They walked for a bit more then made their separate ways, planning to meet in the lounge room after. Y/n headed towards her room and got a clean pair of clothes, her shower bag over her shoulder as she headed towards the women's shower rooms. It was a quick process, she cleaned herself for around seven minutes, threw on her clothes, put her dirty clothes and her bag in her room then went to the lounge. Soap was sitting on the couch, and funny enough, he was in the spot he claimed was the best from the night before.

Y/n glanced at the tv and then to him, "Let's go."


"Here it is." Soap motioned lazily to an open door. "Try not to get too worked up- probably just gonna give you the info for the mission."

Veil thanked him then got closer to the door, peeking in. There was the same man who woke her up yesterday. "Can I come in, sir?"

Price had his feet up on his desk, looking over papers on his lap. He glanced, "You sure can." He moved his feet under him, setting the papers on the desk. He got started right away, and Y/n knew he wanted this over with. "This isn't gonna be hard to understand soldier, so just listen and ask questions then we're done." He nodded into his words, looking into her eyes. 


"We're off to a great start, then. Ghost told me your shooting skills are damn near pristine so I'm assuming your hand-to-hand combat is likewise. I'll talk to Soap later-" He mumbled, then continued, "point is, you're in better condition than we assumed. Shepherd sent you in, but we wanted to see how good you really are since this coming mission is do or die." Veil got that, Price has never met her so why would he rely on her so heavily first impression? Price continued. "Since you're well enough, we decided to skim down the days to send you out, which is perfect for us because the longer we wait, the more complicated things get for you. What exactly do you know about this job before I explain?"

Veil leaned against the wall behind her, the other chairs occupied by some snipers and whatnot. "I know that I'm going to be undercover in the Cartel. I know about the terrorist with U.S missiles. Other than that I'm blind to it, sir."

Price nodded, pushing the tip of his tongue against his cheek before taking in a breath and replying, "Right. We are almost as coherent as you are to this, alas why you're going in to update us. The best place to start with you is the Cartel, which is close-knit with the Mexican Military... who, as we believe, is working with Hassan. Your job is to get into the Cartel and work your way up to the little Cartel leader's side. I don't care how you get there, but it would need to be done and did in a short time frame. We are giving you two weeks. That's even pushing it, but its very crucial we have the leader's first-hand plans before the actions take place. We don't know anything about the leader other than he goes by the name El Sin Nombre which means The Nameless in Spanish. Are you following along so far?" 

Y/n nodded.

"Good. We have a connection with the Cartel- he's a lifelong buddy with an ally who lives here in Mexico. Born and raised. Our connection's name is Jarvis Gonzalez. You will be referred in by him and accepted. I don't know what the Cartel requires for you to join but do it. This part is very important." There was a pause so she could have a moment. Then he went on once more. "Every other night around 11 pm, Soap will be in the nearest safehouse waiting for you. You give whatever information you have then leave. If within two weeks you have close to no info, we push. Do you understand, Veil?" His last sentence was slow just to emphasize how important this was.

"Yes, sir."

DECEPTION. ("Soap" MacTavish x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now