chapter seven.

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Four hours passed since Price gave Y/n her information, her brain boggling as she tried her best to come up with situations prior so if something happened, she could have a base of thought to defend herself off of. She sat in the lounge room, doodling in a notebook as she had one earbud in listening to some music, the other ear catching any random dialogue from a show the boys were watching. The smell of popcorn and beer wafted through the air which, surprisingly enough, calmed Y/n down to a focused and relaxed mindset.

"Uh- you can't just slap my hand away when I'm placing the add four. Accept your fate like a real man." Gaz was heard scolding one of the others, a chuckle bubbling in his throat as he spoke.

Curious, Y/n peered up at the boys, the three sitting on the couch in a circle playing Uno. They have been altering between card games, the current one being the most intense. She gave out a single exhale in terms of a laugh, looking back down at her page full of random things. She was to leave tomorrow, but was that enough time for her to prepare? Hell, Soap had made her overthink her advantages.

"Veil- come join us. MacTavish is being a damn bloody cheater and a fourth will level it out a bit more." Gaz invited, the other two silently looking up expectingly. The attention was awkward.

"I'm done playing anyway." Ghost stated, putting his deck flat on the table, using his knees as leverage, glancing at Y/n once before exiting the room. What a quiet man. 

Now feeling like she drove off their friend without even speaking, Y/n's face burned from embarrassment. "I'm good, just trying to doodle and think. Thank you, though." Uno didn't sound fun at the moment, knowing all the stress and overwhelming thoughts she obtained would ruin the fun.

Soap finally spoke, "You look like you need a break, my friend. Have a beer- wouldn't do any harm." It was safe to assume he was tipsy, his already heavy words slurring and drawing out. Gaz was a bit unreadable with it if he was as well.

"Until I have a hangover tomorrow."

"The flight leaves in the afternoon, you'll have plenty of time to prepare. You don't have to, I'm just saying personally I would have a little fun before a hard mission like that," Soap wasn't pressuring and it was obvious, he was just trying to help with Y/n's clear concern. 

Veil noticed Gaz putting the cards away, becoming more tempted to join in their unsober party. She looked at her notebook in a ponder then decided. "Sure, actually. Is there any more in the fridge?"

"Woah now, don't make this decision just because Soap is a little bored. You really can spend your last day here relaxing or something." Kyle attempted, but it was too late. Y/n wanted to get wasted. I mean, look at MacTavish. His half-lidded, shitfaced expression was already giving her enough motivation.

She got up and headed towards the fridge as she replied, "Ah, don't worry about me." She grabbed a glass bottle, popped open the tough lid, and discarded it, sitting on a lazyboy chair across from the couch afterward. Gaz shook his head softly as he continued to clean up, Soap scrolling through his phone. Y/n took a drink.


And a drink


And a drink


"What the fuck?" Y/n laughed as she stared at the tv, her brain having such a hard time comprehending what was going on. Confused. She was lost? Words were scrambling into each other oddly.

Gaz had left the two alone as he went to take a shower. That was about an hour ago, but maybe Veil was lying to herself. She couldn't even begin to keep track of time from a minute ago. Pointing at the screen, Y/n looked over to Soap with a confused expression, her eyebrows slanted and a smile on her face. "Do you understand what's going on?"

"No, not at all... do you?"


"It's not that serious," Ghost commented from the doorway, his eyes skimming between the bottles on the table. He looked ahead of himself for a second as it looked like he rebooted, looking down at the two, "You guys having fun causing a scene?"

"A scene?" Soap copied.

The man itched the side of his face behind the mask, "Yeah, a scene. I can hear both of you all the way from the entrance." He looked between the two, knowing he was getting nowhere by how dazed they looked at him. "Look, I don't care how drunk you get, just keep me and the others out of it. Be quiet. No one wants to hear you both laughing all night."

"Aw, Simon. You can join if you'd like." Johnny motioned over, taking a sip. "Come on now, let's have some fun, eh?"

Y/n started dazing out the two talking, their words mumbles as she began to grow tired, her eyelids slowly closing. Their words began to just get quiet as sleep started possessing her brain. 

"You sleeping?" Soaps voice finally rang through. That's odd, wasn't he just in a conversation a second ago? In reality, it was over five minutes ago, but Y/n's brain couldn't comprehend.

Y/n's eyes opened, the lights dim but still causing her pupils to strain. She blinked a few times, slowly looking around to find her coworker. He was still on the couch in front of her chair, leaning back lazily in his spot with his arms confidently behind him on the back cushions, his legs spread and head tilted back. She could barely notice that he was looking at her from the angle his head was at, his eyes half-lidded.

"I was... thanks..." She groaned, rubbing her eyes softly with the ball of her palms. Her body felt heavy, almost convinced she was melting into the cushions.

"Mm... I wouldn't recommend sleeping out here. Let's get you to your room..." Soap was trying his best, he really was, but there was no way he was moving from his spot too. He even closed his eyes from looking at her, tilting his head back more in a comfortable way. There was silence between the two. "Ya know, usually it's me and Gaz out here when I drink. It was nice getting to know someone else while they're drunk. Gah... does that even make any sense?" 

Y/n laughed softly at his attempt, nodding her head as her eyes were closing. "It does. I'm glad I'm drunk but I know for a damn fact tomorrow I won't be." She chuckled near the end of her words. She felt a little odd with how Soap was the only one she's gotten on good terms with so far, not even having a training session with Gaz yet. She wondered when she will be able to have time with him. "How about you?" She questioned after thirty seconds of silence. She was met with silence once more. "Hm?" She opened an eye and looked over to Soap. He was passed out, his mouth parted slightly. 

"You damn hypocrite."

DECEPTION. ("Soap" MacTavish x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now