chapter fifteen.

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Y/n felt humiliated as she sat in a very uncomfortable chair. Sat was too passive of a word, more like slouched with her hands painfully tied behind the back and her ankles tied to an individual leg of the seat. Her black eye from earlier was almost gone, but that progress was down the drain as they gifted her with the look once more. Talking was a no-go as well since they taped her mouth shut and put a rag around that with pepper spray on it. Lovely combination, by the way.

A lady with short black hair turned around and looked at her, tossing the walkie-talkie at Y/n's feet. "Your friends are on their way." She said in a smooth voice, her eyes dead of emotion. "Diego!" She turned around once more, her sudden call out making Veil jump, "Keep an eye on her- and let her know what her consequences lead to." She informed while walking past the man, exiting the room once her command was acknowledged.

"You made a stupid fucking mistake, have you realized that yet?" The bald man leaned against a wall, staring out the window as he spoke, his arms crossed. He looked at her after questioning. Y/n just glared at him through her red eyes, sore and watered from the spray scented on the cloth. "Well? You gonna answer?"

While staring at Deigo, Y/n had to force her mind to remove her focus from the pain. She had been punched, beaten, kneed in the stomach multiple times, and slapped around. They had knocked her out with the butt of a gun when she got back from her break and she woke up in the dim and underwhelming room.

What made things worse was that she unintentionally threw her whole team under the bus. Anger filled her stomach towards her ignorance. She had been followed by her coworker, he eavesdropped on her and Soap's conversation, and somehow made it back to snitch on her -Y/n assumed it was around the time she and MacTavish started chatting about random things-, and now she was here. She didn't tell them anything, they just lied to Price that she did so it would be more urgent that they'd arrive.

Diego grew impatient with her silence, walking over and snagging the cloth off, ripping off the strong tape afterward. Y/n flinched, lips and the sensitive skin around burning, but she didn't waste time. "What did you do?" She already has one fear in her mind. Jarvis and his family. Jarvis helped her in, so there's no doubt they'll piece it together soon. If they haven't already, but she hoped they haven't.

This question seemed to satisfy Diego, a wicked smile appearing on his face. "Your little traitor friend. Do you remember his name?" Y/n's heart dropped. "Go on, sweetheart. Tell me his name."

She didn't cave into his games, "What did you do?" She repeated, but this time her voice was filled with more emotion, uncertain. Her heart began to race, her sweat cold.

"Since you're so impatient, let me just jump to it. He's dead. Slit his throat so he could suffer a bit. You are the reason this happened, remember. I don't know what went through your tiny brain that you could just sneak around..." His voice faded out as Y/n stared at the ground with wide eyes.

Oh god. Oh god. She just saw him this morning. Their conversation recently they had about- oh god...

"Hey! You listening to me, puta?!" He kicked his steel-toed boots into her shin, causing her to take in a quick breath through her teeth. Her leg pulsed where he hurt her. He talked more but she couldn't even pull herself to listen, full of guilt and depression. She felt sick.

She just hoped his family was ok.


Hours were prepped, and the Task Force discussed things. Plans were made, back-up plans, and back-up plans for those back-up plans. It was a short helicopter ride to the area near the Cartel building, and the whole time Soap was staring off. Many thoughts raced through his mind. What if when they arrived Veil was already dead and it was a trap? What if Y/n was dead? Or close to it? Was she being tortured? It didn't hit him that he wasn't even worried about his work-related situation when usually his mind would be steady and attentive to that.

Ghost noticed this, his eyes glued on the other. There was silence between this, finally speaking up. "You worried more about our job or the girl?" He could just tell by the distant gaze in Soap's eyes that he was worried about the wellbeing of a person being held captured.

Soap didn't even reply but he did hear Simon. Well, now he felt too intimidated not to reply by how intently Ghost stared. "She's a main source of the mission. Or at least a pretty big subject. So I'd say a mix of both."

The helicopter landed after a tiny bit more airtime and the group loaded out, equipped with the right amount of gear. They obviously didn't roll up in full battle gear, but it was a casual defense wear. Ghost, Price and Soap all started towards the building, Gaz, Alejandro, Kiley(the new girl) and some extras were to stay back and watch from afar. This was a pretty big deal considering their whole plan might be exposed and they were sustained to failure.

"The weapons stay with us. Trust me, us three against all of you is a slow man's plan." Price was quick to lay his boundaries as the guards at the entrance felt around their bodies, obviously pointing out the guns in holsters. "There's no reason for us to shoot if your boss doesn't do anything first."

They were guided through the building and Soap's body grew antsier as he knew Y/n was in here. What scared him the most was they had no idea what condition she was in. He could only imagine the worst scenarios as the Cartel did catch her lurking around betraying their trust.

"Diego! I have the men Valeria wanted!" The guide called through a door once they stopped, two guards behind the three.

The door swung open and a cocky-looking man greeted their faces with a sly expression. "Which one of you three is the big boss, eh?" His eyes scanned between them, landing on Price. "You?"

"I'm the Captain, yeah. Where's our soldier at?"

"You mean that little bitch? She's in here. Quite the talker," He stepped aside and walked in, motioning for them to follow, and they did. Soap could feel his heartbeat in his throat, clutching on to his gun as they entered.

There she was. Yn looked exhausted, her body slumped forward and very faintly opened eyes settled on the floor as if there was no soul behind them. Soap perked up, his eyes widening and eyebrows narrowing as he was quick to speak, "Hey, what the hell! What's wrong with her?!" His voice was full of stunned anger, starting to approach her swiftly but was halted by Diego blocking his way. Soap tightened his lips in anger, shoving away Diegos hand with a force of pure agitation, standing his ground but not pushing past.

"Easy, easy. She's fine. Just thinking about what she did. Look." He shoved Soap back then grabbed an empty Coke can, tossing it onto Y/n's lap which was enough to startle her out of her trance, her strained eyes flickering up. MacTavish felt extreme relief wash over as she was still full of life, but the bruise on her eye enraged him.

"So? Where's the woman we heard on the radio?" Price spoke up, his eyes adjusting from Y/n over to Diego. "We want this over as soon as possible."

"I'm right here." Everyone turned around as a very pretty lady entered through the door, seeming to be unaware that her audience hated her. Or maybe she just didn't care. "That was quite the reaction you had there, Mohawk." She looked over to Soap once she stood over by Y/n, everyone facing her. "... She your girl?"

"She's my companion." Soap shot back, his narrowed eyes focused on the lady.

She nodded slowly, looking at the ceiling as she did so. "Right, you're the one she snuck off to every night? I see now. Oh, speaking of, I was just curious as to... why, this happened, exactly?" Her tone danced along her words as if this was a podcast.

MacTavish moved his angry eyes from Valeria towards Y/n, his gaze softening once seeing her so helpless. She looked back at him but shamefully looked away afterward. He knew she would be alright after this, something in his chest told him to make sure. He was good like that, wanting to keep his buddies safe.

Y/n will be safe.

DECEPTION. ("Soap" MacTavish x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now